Bad At Love

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Love. What is love? Is it that sappy old emotion when we read romance novels? Or is it that pain when we look, think, imagine about the person we love and knowing you just can't go through it all again.....

I think it's the latter.

Doesn't matter if the love that makes you feel this way is with your past lover, it can hurt to look at a friend that you have let down. Or you have lost over the years.

I'm bad at both of them on times, but worse when it comes to a lover.

But what happens when your own family hurts you, you will think that they would never do something so horrendous just for something petty like money.

"You're pathetic" I stood in the middle of the home office at I stared at the man who ruined everything for me just for money.

"You all are" I turned around and looked at the other two. She tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, she did this when ever she was nervous.

"It's great that the Holts got to bottom of this after they took me down even though I did nothing!" My voice echoed in the room. From the corner of my eye I saw Sarah telling me to keep it together.

"You will go to jail, Mason" now that the Holts were catching in their tale, I could see the fear that lingered in his persona. When he didn't say anything, I marched towards his desk and leaned in as I hissed out "I've already told Mr. Holt about everything. I've taken everything from this office" I let out a breath of satisfaction when I saw the fear on his ugly face.

"As proof" anger blazed in his eyes.

"They're taking your ass to the court and no one can save you now" I smirked in triumph.

"Your threats are empty, darling. They trust us" he tired to reassure himself.

Sarah decided to step in "They only trusted you because of Avery. And didn't you just hear her, they have all the proof you dim wit!" I could see her getting frustrated the minute.

I took a step a next to her "And that's not all, Dad" I told him as I remembered what he did to my mother. How could he? Who am I to ask that question, he ruined lives with a cold heart. He wouldn't feel a thing.

"You managed to threaten Ridge by saying that you would hurt me, just to keep his mouth shut" he frowned at my words but soon he caught on "He's dead so you can't threaten him by saying that you would hurt his little half sister" I saw him clenching his jaw.

"I feel disgusted to know that I'm related to you by blood. They sure as hell are your kid and your wife but I realised that the reason why Ridge was never like you all was because my mother practically raised him" I pointed fingers at them "you had no hand in making the man he was today"

I backed away as I smirked. Mr.Holt had already taken the big step, he had taken the whole case to the authorities. They were going to arrest him tomorrow. It was a tragedy on my part because I was leaving this place tonight. But I'm sure I would get to see it all in a day or two.

One year later

The skipped through the thick woods, my feet carried me as I ran after him. Laughing as he ran next to me, over the whole year he had grown so big. The greenery called for me, I could feel myself remembering and being the girl I used to be before.

Playing the game from me chasing after him it turned into something like he was chasing me. I ran as fast as I could, I knew I was fast but with all this practice he was getting he was getting faster than me.

I felt something come between my feet as I lost my balance. Falling in dirt was never fun in the first place but I felt him getting on top of me and licking my face.

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