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I walked out of the campus after a long ass lecture for two hours, my shoulders were taut because of sitting in those uncomfortable chairs. My fingers hurt because of constantly writing without a break.

With my eyes on the ground I walked to the black SUV parked in front of the campus.

It was raining today. Normally, I would have enjoyed the weather that was coming to New York City but it was starting to get cold.

The driver, Charlie. Who picked me up everyday from the university stood there with an umbrella and a small smile on his face when he saw me coming.

As I was about to sit in the car, I heard something whimper in the lush green bushes that were growing next to the side walk.

Small barks and whines were heard making us both go in alert.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Charlie with worry. Whatever that thing was behind the bushes was in trouble. I could sense it.

Maybe it was the cold....

"I'll go check what it is Miss Avery. You should sit in the car or else you'll get sick" he said as he walked through the weed and wasn't in my sight anymore.

After a few minutes Charlie cam e back with something in his hands. As he came closer to me, my vision cleared and in his hands was a small puppy shivering with cold as it was covered it mud.

"Oh my God!" I said with surprise and took off my shawl "Miss Avery you'll get sick and your shawl will get dirty too..." I walked towards them. Not caring if rain fell on me.

"Don't worry, it's just cashmere" I replied with my entire focus on the poor thing shivering uncontrollably.

I wrapped the shawl around it and held it with one arm.

"What are we gonna do about it?" Charlie said while scratching his head as he eyed the golden retriever whose shivering started to decrease as he cradled in my arm.

"He just has a little cold, keep him warm. This little baby has taken his medicines, he'll be sleeping for the next few hours. Say...." Charlie and I took the puppy to the vet. On the way I decided that I will adopt him. Though, the thought of Rhys not liking the idea was there.

But he can't control me. It's my choice.

If I want a puppy. I'll have a puppy. Besides, I'm saving a life here.

Keep telling yourself that. My inner voice said to me.

"For 6 to 7 hours. Have you thought of a name yet?" The vet said as she smiled at me kindly.

"No. Not yet. But I'll think of something" I said as I looked at Charlie who had his arms wrapped around himself.

I turned towards the vet and smiled back "Would that be all....miss" I said as I read the name tag that was pinned to her standard white lab coat "Miss Thompson?"

She smiled at me once again, making me think of all the muscles that must be taut for fake smiling back at strangers for hours.

I picked up the puppy and motioned to Charlie to grab the things that I had bought for it.

Once we were inside the car I asked Charlie "Is Rhysand allergic to dogs?" wrapping the blanket around the puppy.

Charlie looked at me from the front mirror "You're lucky, he's not. Mr.Holt has no allergies to anything what so ever"

I let out a relived sigh as I made another decision in my head. Let's not tell Rhys about this. Sure, he may be not allergic to dogs but might not like animals either.

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