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By the end of the day, everyone had left. After that moment with Rhys, with him breaking the walls I had created in a span of three days. The three days I didn't allow myself to cry, and him finally getting the pain out of my heart. Though it was just there for me mourn but it didn't have the power to make me emotionless.

"Cause I love you" his words ringed in my head making my heart go heavy and warm at the same time. I loved him too, I did but it was so hard for me to say them. I wasnt that driven to let those words be stolen when I am an emotional mess.

I just hoped that he didn't expect me to say then back.

We all sat in the living room. Rhysand's parents, my parents, Ashley, Sarah, Alex also Rhys and I. Mason Stark looked troubled by something, we all knew it wasn't just because of Ridge but it was like he had something to tell us.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Ashley turned towards him with sad eyes.

All eyes were on him now.

He looked ahead and let out a sigh. His hand reached his breast pocket, he took something out of there and placed it on the coffee table. Ashley and I got to grom where we were sitting and looked close at what he just took out.

It was a picture of me and Ashley. When we were about thirteen years old, Ashley was first to pick it up and examine it.

"They found this in Ridge's uniform, in the one he died" mom was the one to tell us. My heart broke on her voice. I fell back into my place next to Rhys and bit my nails.

Ashley looked at me with a request in her eyes "Can I keep it?" She didn't ask dad or mom if she could but me.

I let out a sigh but she said "or we could cut it in a half that way we both can keep it" I nodded my head no and said "Though the things that are left behind by the person hold no meaning as they are gone, so what's the point of feeling a photo in a wallet that used to be their's. If you want it Ashley, you can keep it. Ridge actually gave me a dawg tag and-" I stopped in midway as I remembered that Ridge had given me letters.

"And?" It was Dad to ask me as curiosity got the best of him.

"Just a dawg tag. He gave it to me on my wedding" the word "wedding" had so many strings attached to it that it brought this heaviness in the company. As if this wedding was the elephant in the room.

No one needs to know that I was given letters from Ridge, only Sarah knew who was telling me to get out of here as soon as possible. I nodded to her as I got up.

The air around me thickened because of the intense glares from my step mom and mother in law, some from Ashley too as she looked at me with curiosity.

I looked at Rhys who was vigilant to every move I was making. I took a deep breath and said "I want to go home" he immediately got up taking his things and to took my phone from the coffee table. I didn't miss the look that came in my way of resentment from my in law mother and the step one.

It was probably "home" that got them. In the past, I made sure that Mama Stark knew that I didn't consider this place as home.

Besides, the place where I live with Rhys felt like home. Though I will lose it in some time.

With Rhys relling me that he loves me...will that ever change this contract between us all?

Rhys took the hold of my hand as the four of us walked out of the mansion, the fresh air I breathed in was relaxing.

"I'll take Sarah to her place. You guys go home. Okay?" Akex said as he grabbed Sarah's things and loaded them in his car. Ever since the whole cheating scandal, Ryan was kicked out of the apartment Sarah and him shared.

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