The New Curse

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I stood on the foot of the hard wood door - debating with my inner self whether to knock on it or not. After all, no matter how much I hated being here but it is my home. It will always be here....for me.

I let out a sigh and turned to look back the car moving out of the drive way. I looked back at the door and closed my eyes.

Remember why you're here. I told myself for the last tenth time since the morning I had decided to go to my parents house.

To meet my parents and tell them about what Ashley had done. That night, no body knew why we had left so early. Nobody.

Hopefully, Ashley would be home right now so that I could talk to her, confront her why she had done this.

Did the anger and jealousy blind her this much? That she preferred that bitch than her own sister.

Unfortunately, there was no answer, no body opened the door. I wanted to kick the door hard but it would hurt. Badly.

When Rhysand left, I left after an hour too. I couldn't stay in that place for long. It had been almost two weeks since I had actually came to my old home.

And at the party I didn't get a chance to talk with my parents. At all.

My eyes were glued to my feet, the door finally opened and I lifted my head to see who it was. Surprisingly, it was mom herself.

"Honey!"She exclaimed happily making me smile genuinely. It was great to see her, here.

"Hi mom!" I said as she crushed me into a bear hug making me laugh at her sweet gesture.

"At the party, we didn't get a chance to talk. But you sang so beautifully. It made us proud honey" I pulled away and we both started to walk to the living room.

"So what brings you here?" She said from behind as I threw myself onto the plusg couch sighing at the comforting impact on my body.

"Rhysand left for work and I  decided to come meet you " I got up and properly sat down "And I wanted to talk about the party last weekend. About the things that happened there" I said in a low voice without looking at her face.

"Yeah. You and Rhys didn't even stop for once. After you sang - you two just disappeared. Cassy, Rhysand's cousin told me that you had to leave due to reasons" she said as she said next to me.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I leaned next to the side of the couch "Ashley and Nora" I opened my eyes to see confusion on her face.

"Nora Robert? Oh she's a nice girl!" She said causing me to raise my eyebrow at her obliviousness.

"That woman is no where near to the quality nice mother. In fact she is just a bully" I looked at her and continued "she is a bad person" flashbacks from my second night came into my mind but I erased them away.

"What do you mean?"

After telling her everything that happened that night. How things went down with Ashley and Nora. Mom was left conflicted.

She was speechless, her ears couldn't believe the words she was hearing "I can't believe Ashley did this" she mumbled, more to herself then to me.

"I know but she did" I bit my lip as I wondered where my was sister. I knew it would be shocking to hear something like this about your daughter. But I know Ashley has a bad nerve for me "By the way, where is she?" I asked, her hear shot towards me in an instant.

"She went out with Nora this morning. If I knew what she did. I wouldn't have let her go. I'm sorry honey. It's her envy that blinds her. Deep down, your sister is a good person. I know for sure " she promised.

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