The End

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All night, all I could remember was that my whole body was burning up with fever, I could barely open my eyes when I felt someone putting cold wet cloth on my forehead.

I remembered what I tried to, it was one of those nights where I would sit in those awfully compelling clubs in the private lounges and spend the entire night drinking, I had never done any of it during the week days but on the weekends.

I felt the water droplets falling on my face as they put it down on my forehead, a lazy stroke of a hand in my wet hair and I couldn't help but feel something I hadn't felt in the longest time.


It all was coming back to me in blurred visions, I was wasted when I called someone, Avery's face came flashing in my head like a sledgehammer. I winced in pain at that. She brought me back to my place, I started to kiss her face. I couldn't tell if it was real or not, this whole time I thought that it was one of my illusions.

I felt warm lips touch the side of my cheek and then disappear.....

I cried, cried as I had held her close thinking that if I let her go now she would disappear in thin air just like the touch of her lips right now.

I wanted to move, I really did. But my whole body was too tired to make any move so I laid there not doing anything but take in the feel of her hands in my hair as I slowly drifted off to a dark abyss.

Later in the night, this burst of energy woke me up. I was covered in my own sweat, the beating of my heart echoed in my ears. Every muscle in my body hurt, it was unbearable.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to find darkness surrounding me, but there was something different about this darkness. I wasn't swallowing me into itself, there was something peaceful about it. There was a blanket covering my shirtless body, my hand rested on my stomach. I turned my face to the left as I felt a presence next to me.

In the farthest corner of my bed, in another blanket I found that red headed girl wrapped, sleeping peacefully. The break down I had just a few hours ago came in my mind, the way I held on to her as if I would break more than I was before.

How did she managed to come to me after everything I did? Can you tell me why my love? That you hold on to me and I still hold on to you?

I rubbed my eyes as if I couldn't believe that I would see that face again, was I imagining her again? The hand that rested on my stomach stretched out, as if to touch her.

But my mind stopped me, it made me let her give the peace while she slept in the bed I had made for us. For better for the extreme worse, she was here. Still.

So it turned my back towards her, from the room I saw a duffel bag that didn't belong to me. I got out of the bed, making sure that I didn't move too much. I assessed the room, inhaled the smell of her in the room mixed with alcohol.

I took off all of my clothes and went into the shower.

A few minutes later, I got out feeling better than before, but there was nervousness sitting in the pit of my stomach. All of this was moving too fast, even for me. I peeked into the room through the door, she was still in my bed but this time she wasn't facing me anymore.

I walked out, looking around to find anything else to look at she wore an old Led Zeppelin t-shirt of mine. Coincidence? Her arms hugged her, the shirt was scrunched into her palm as if she didn't want to be here.

I searched around again, to see what she brought with her. I didn't find a cane or a crutch or a knee cap or a brace with her. I frowned in confusion, she....healed?

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