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I rememberd the time when Ridge was gone, I rememberd the time I thought Rhys was with some other woman for three days. I gave him a chance to tell me his side of the story for it was a huge misunderstanding.

My heart was void of emotion then, he broke the walls around my heart and let himself in. Just by saying the things that were needed to be said.

I promised to us that I'll be here. For better, for worse.

Where was he now? Didn't I have the right to atleast tell him my side of the story? To hell with it if he understood me or not. To hell with if he still saw me as this evil master mind. All I wanted was the right.

I could have pushed him away then, I could have said that I wanted a divorce.

If it weren't for this damned love that made me so weak that my soul only wanted him and him alone.

He had mocked me for fulfilling the promise I had made, he sure as hell didn't fulfill his. I felt someone put their hand on mine, in that moment I flinched and looked at them.

"Your brother wanted me there for you. As your protector, as a shadow of him. I'm not doing all of this just as a part if my job but I'm doing it for him" Elijah said with truthful determination and I simply smiled.

"You have to be strong when you see him, Avery" this time it was Sarah, who sat on my left. I couldn't show Rhys that I was at his mercy, I would lose myself if I show him that I was weak.

I didn't want him to think for one second that I was someone below him, someone that he could crush and walk away.

The car came to a halt in front of the building who was owned by the man who thought that I stole from him.

I was not going to be weak.

My hand gripped onto the the new cane Saeah had got me for my birthday, it was all black but with flares of red in it. It was beautiful.

Sarah held out a hand to help me get out of the SUV, power surged through me like electricity when I walked in the building wearing a ful crimson red pant suit. I remembered the remark Sarah gave me when I wore it the first time. It was something across the lines of me resembling Catherine Hepburn.

A smirk came on my face thinking that.

In a few minutes, we were marching towards his office, the elevator doors opened. I was the first to get out, Sarah and Elijah following behind me.

I heard the employees on his floor murmuring different things about me. I had been here on the same floor countless times, my mind clouded with the times when I would come up here to him and take him away for a sweet day out. When I found him stuck between the mess of the work, I always managed to persuade him to leave all of it behind.

The three of us walked up to his secretary. Alice, stone cold bitch as I used to call her in my head. Apparently, she liked Rhys alot. Before he got married to me she tried to start an affair with him but he declined saying that he is getting married for a reason. She hated every single cell in my body, I knew it everytime she saw me.

"Tell Rhysand that Avery is here" I said ik a professional tone, just saying his name out loud made my "powerful" facade quiver but I kept it under control.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" She asked while smirking like a witch.

I leaned in, clicking my cane twice on the floor before putting a hand on the table and saying "Do I look like someone who needs an appointment?" In a dead serious tone that made me think that every blood cell in me had turned into ice.

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