First Fight

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The car fell into silence once again. And I tried not to initiate it again. Even though at that time it was just a simple question. I myself didn't want to talk to him.

God! Please help me bare with this man for the rest of 365 days.

I mean we will be getting a divorce the exact same day as today.

The car came to a halt whole I was busy looking at the big diamond on my finger. It was too big for my taste.

I looked up and saw the gates to his mansion open automatically on his arrival. The car drove us to the main door, on the way I saw multiple brand new cars lined up in the said garage. Rhys turned off the engine and without a word got out of the car. I got out next and opened the back door of the car and tried to get my luggage out. I looked up but found Rhys no where to be seen.

Can he be at least a little considering?

The grave and rocks on the ground were already making it hard for me to talk. It was like walking in heels in a garden.

My one arm gripped onto the cane that stabilised my leg and the other dragged my huge bag.

When I got to the main door it was already opened and I invited myself in. Not caring if it was rude - Rhys was the rude one here - not me.

What angered me even more was that his royal ass was prawled all over the couch watching TV - still in his suit.

"Would it hurt you if you were at least a little nice?" I asked him from his behind.

Rhys looked to his left and watched me from the corner of his eye. Then he got up from his place and took off his studs maintaining the eye contact with me "Why would you expect me to be nice to you?" He asked.

I was speechless at first but then a moment later I gathered all of my thoughts and decided to speak "I get it that you were forced into this - just like me. But still it doesn't mean that you have to be an ass about it"

His eyebrows were made into a frown now but moments later a smirk danced on his stupidly handsome face "Oh no - no" he shook his head and started to walk towards me. His demanor was now intimidating.

"You married me for my money. Just like all the girls out there. They are only there with me because they know that only I can make them feel things they have never felt before and also for my money" I intrigued into is small speech -  stopping him.

"I am not like those girls you speak of. I have my respect and dignity with me and they don't. You say they use you for pleasure and money so aren't you their boy-toy? I mean I could just say now that you still haven't lost your old ways. The hickey on your neck - it's fresh. Meaning that you had sex a day ago or so. Know where you lie before you speak Rhys" now I smirked because I knew I had just hit the right spot.

Automatically, his hand went on his neck and then he looked back at me.

He started to walk towards me again - when he started to step into the comfort zone I backed away.

"I already told you that all of this" he motioned his finger between us "It's just a facade for the world. To me at least.  Maybe not to my parents. So I'm not obliged to leave my old traits" he took another step towards me and now my back touched the wall now.

I held my breath when his gaze lingered on every part of my fave with a mixed emotion I couldn't decipher. I felt even more nervous when he eyed my leg and the material around it with anger "And be nice to you? Why? Because you're a cripple? Is that how you take benefits from the world?" I wanted to escape from his accusing voice and go to my supposed room. I was about to move away but his strong hold fell onto my arm and made me stay in one place.

"Ah, ah, ah" he wiggled his ginger back and forth "Escaping so soon? Is that what they taught you? Start a war then flee I'm the middle of it?" His eyes again searched my face with weird emotions but they vanished again "Is the innocent act the key that helped you make my father believe that you are the one for me? Huh? And the sympathy vote is everything you need these days? Tell me" his tone was sarcastic and he damn well knew which parts of my scars he had hit.

No. I did not want people to pity me. Every thing he said that not true but somehow I felt hurt. Maybe in the back of my mind I thought that he could be nice to me. Maybe he wasn't as bad as they portrayed him to be.

I pushed him away "I expected you to be nice because I thought you weren't what they portray you to be. I guess I was wrong. You are a cold hearted asshole." I sniffed back my tears that threatened to fall any minute.

He opened to say more but I stopped him "Please don't say more . I know you hate me. Your words have said enough. So please - just show me where my room is" I folded my arms around myself.

The fire he has in his eyes vanished and he looked down onto the floor then to my luggage. He mumbled some curse under his breath before picking my stuff up and started to walk onto a ramp. He has a ramp too in his home. Or was it installed.

I didn't want to ask him I just walked behind him.

We came to a stop in front of a door "This is going to ge your room" he pointed at the door "This door opposite to yours is mine. Feel free to call one of the servents incase if you need anything. On weekends I'll probably be in my room or the office downstairs. Do not bother me. I won't be nice. Good night" he said and walked away from me to the room in front of mine and shut the door with such force that the sound made me flinch.

Please Lord help me.

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