The Next CEO

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When someone tells you the hard cold reality. It feels like they just bumped an ice filled bucket on your head. That's what I felt in the moment.

The sarcasam and reality of those intriguing words were just like a  hailstorm of stones.

It was true that this is not what we wanted. But she could have just said no. I said yes because it benefited me. She wasn't getting anything out of this. Unless - she was after money.

Everything about her existence intrigued me. It irked me so much that made me always on the edge.

The ceremonial day of our wedding was one of the worst days in my life.

The way she walked down the aisle in that stainless snow white dress. I hated it. Her red hair that every woman pays thousands to get the replica of that colour were braided beautifully. I hated it. Her big blue eyes had a little green at them. I hated it.

But that useless leg.

I hated it. It never failed to disappoint me.

She was prefect. She looked perfect. There were only two imperfections in her perfect being.

Her cripple lame leg and her wits.

I wanted her to catch us red handed. I only reason why I brought Nora home and got intimate with her was to hurt her.

But it felt like my own plan had backfired. She only showed disappointment.

The exact same expression I showed every time my eyes fall on her paralysed leg.

I walked towards my room cursing under my breath and shut the door behind me.

I don't have an opinion. Just like the time I did not have any opinion when they asked me to marry you

Her words were ringing in my ear like a broken record player. They were taunting at me. Hassled me. Heckled me.

You feel imprisoned even though it has been two days.

She was right about that. I don't know why but it felt exactly like that. It felt like I was trapped inside a cage like an enraged animal. This cage was this bond of this married. I ran towards the balcony door to open it and let the fresh air come in. I let out a breath as sweat trickled down my forehead.

What was happening to me?

I woke up at 7 in the morning when I heard people talking and laughing downstairs. I became curious when I heard Avery laugh out loud. But this time it wasn't sarcastic like she usually did. It sounded genuine.

I got out of the the bed and went straight to the shower. The lukewarm water sprayed on my body as I used the soap to wash it. After a few minutes I got out and changed into home clothes. Since it was a weekend, I worked from home on those days.

Even though my father is the CEO but I do all of the work a CEO does. Not only I had gotten the approval from the board of the directors but every body waited for my dad's signal. As he was still the "big boss". It angered me when I was threatened by him. It was stressful when I worked so hard just for that spot for years. Dad gave me disappointment when he told me that I had to marry the girl og his choice.

Avery Stark. Now Holt

I groaned at that harsh reality.


ut then a little reminder made its way through my thought that that name will only stay with her just for a year.

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