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I walked through the never-ending shelves of books in the book store.  My fingers danced atop of the backbone of the books as the scanned through them to find the perfect one.

I stopped in front of the "Romance" section and wondered if I really needed a book that revolves around the idea of pleasure and love. Even though I believed in both of them but, on the other hand I was deprived of love. And I found myself not actually falling in the strong real love which every body fantasize about. The love I got was from a great loyal friend and a bother. Though, I like to believe that my adoptive mother, sister and father do love me - deep in thier hearts.

I hummed a slow tune as I picked one from the shelf and turned it backwards to read it's description. Overall, the book seemed to be very interesting and the cover was not explicit so that gave a point.

I staggered to the main desk with a couple of books in my arm. The owner smiled at me as she made the bill "That'll be 30$" I instantly fished for my wallet and got a bill out.

After leaving the book store I saw the SUV I had been given to me for today. Rhys was considerate enough to give me - not only the car but a driver as well.

Charlie, a 40 year old man, the driver. Stood next to the passengers door waiting for me to come to the car.

He gave me a hand as I stepped in to the car seat and settle down in it. I heaved a sigh of relief as I closed my eyes. I was exhausted since morning and now the exhaustion was starting to corrupt my mind too. I just needed a nap and then I'd wake up and call Ridge. I had been three days since the last I had seen him and when I  called his cell two days ago - he didn't pick up.

The constant query in my mind didn't even let me realise that we had already reached the banglow. Charlie let out an annoyed sigh and I peeked outside to see a car parked outside the house "Who's car is that?" I naturally asked.

"It's your mother-in-law" he replied still while having a frown on his face.

"Why such a face Charlie?"

"Have you seen that movie "The devil wears Prada"?" I raised my eyebrow at him through the mirror and nodded.

"She is that devil"

"I reckon that the woman in the end of thar movie is actually a nice person, Charles. She might be nice too" I tired to reason with him. Sure, I had sensed her indifferent and arrogant attitude but she can't be that bad. Her husband his the nicest man alive!

"Yeah she's that but minus the niceness" he said as he parked to car right in front of the house main door and got out to open the car door for me.

I wondered what would have made a man who had been working here for years believe that Mrs.Holt was a she-devil.

I silently walked towards the main door and opened it. I slid inside with caution. At first, it felt like no one was there. Like the house had been stuck in the same time just as three days ago.

But a roar of a shrieking voice came echoing into the whole house. It was unusual for me to get intimidated so quickly. But there was something in her voice that managed make me quiver a little bit with fear.

But I told myself that it was nothing. It's not like I had done anything. Maybe it was Rhysand, maybe his scandalous affair had been disclosed to her. That may have caused a huge piece of her reputation. Maybe-

My thoughts were stopped as her voice bellowed furiously "I just don't understand why is your father is being so insufferable. This girl he chose for you is going to bring nothing but problems for us. She may be from an elite family but her own life style is of a peasant. Do you see the clothes she wears?" I frowned as I looked down at myself. I dressed okay. I mean - the t-shirt and the black jeans I wore really complimented my black leather jacket. I can't fathom what was her problem. Did she want me to show alot more skin to the people as I walked on New York's streets? Be an eye candy for men. Be a source of unwanted hate for women.

"I don't blame her for being so helpless and hopeless because she's a cripple! Did you read what the tabloids say about this damned marrige?!" I saw her walk towards Rhys who was just staring at her as he was lost in his own thoughts. His jaw tightened once and then relaxed in a instant. Mrs  Holt put a hand on his cheek and whispered in a low voice "My beautiful son stuck with that pathetic girl"

I saw Rhys letting out a sigh "It doesn't matter what she is" I raised a brow with surprise "It's only for a year. Let it go. You people have already done enough" he said with such an anger that was not only at his mother but he tried to keep himself from leasing out the raging monster as he fisted his hand into a five. His words were limitted but still his answer could be interpreted into so so many. She scoffed.

Something tightened inside my chest as I noticed her choice of words she used for me. And his answer. I tried not to let her hurtful words get to me but deep on the inside I felt sonething break - slowly.

They all needed to know that I didn't want this either. But why her opinion about me suddenly change within three day?

"Not only this but" she stepped away from him still with a frown on her wrinkled face as she configured her next string of insult for me while being completely oblivious of my mere presence "her sister, Ashley" I was all ears at that name "She told me what kind of a girl she is. Back in highschool she had lots of lovers. Affairs. She has lived and might be living a scandalous life " now I was frowning.


Ashley had shoved down lies about me in her throat just to tarnish me being in front of thier eyes. And now - Rhys's mother was here as her messenger to manipulate him even more. To confuse him. To make him hate me more than he already does.

Gold-digger. Greedy. Cripple.

He had already called me all of those things. Now they wanted "slut" into that list.

Now rage boiled in me like it was stuck by lightening. I will let them call me a cripple but I'll never - ever - let them call me sonething I'm not.

I looked at Rhys - to study if his demanor had changed on hearing this new piece of information but found him already staring at me like he was caught doing something wrong. I held his gaze and then cleared my throat - making Mrs Holt turn her attention to me.

Surprise was itched on her face but she replaced it with a high end arrogance. Like she didn't care if I had heard her.

"Ashley has this tendency to call others what she is. With all due respect Mrs Holt but" I put the shopping bag on the kitchen counter and turned towards the son and Mother who looked at me as both of their arms were folded " I will let you ridicule my disability and sense of fashion but I'll never let anyone call me sonething that I am not. In high school and now - I did not - do not have a really active social life. To surprise you I have never had a boyfriend" I visibly saw Rhys stiffen because of something I couldn't decipher. My mind clouded with confusion but I pushed it away.

"Ashley is known for having scandals she says that I have been involved in instead of her. You are a woman of this age. Know - when you are being fooled. It is a shame that a business woman like you got compelled by lies of an amuture girl. Think on it" I took out the novels from the bag and ran my hands over them. My heart still hammering against my chest due to the hurt.

Tears were pooling in my eyes but I pushed them down into deep pits of despair. There are no tears for them. Not for them. Especially him.

"I am no enemy. Please. Please " I looked at Rhys first with plea as I remembered all the things he had said to ne till this time. All the things he had let others say to me as he did nothing "I'm not the enemy here. No one is. So don't turn me into one" I stacked the books in my arm and found Rhys's eyes following my actions with something close to guilt in his eyes but he made it go away the moment her realised that I was watching him.

"Have a nice day" I mumbled - leaving the mother and son in the living room with confused battle in thier minds.

I was simply tired of them treating me and assuming that I'm here for an ulterior motive. I never wanted this in the first place. What was so hard to understand? Looking at me as if I'm a villain in their story, giving me all the hate they possibly can just so that they have this sense of control over things.

As for my so called sister? I was absolutely disgusted by her.

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