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Rhys and I talked for almost ten minutes that night, I told him that I was a bit tired and he should rest too. Later, after the call. I talked with Sarah on how we were going to meet Elijah Bennett.

It wasn't that late so I decided to call the number that was written by my brother.

At first, I thought that there was no use to call him in the night but when he picked up the phone and I told him who I was. He told me that he knew about everything that was concerned with the letters for he was in fact Ridge's best friend and his lawyer.

He told me to meet him tomorrow morning before he would leave for work. Deciding the time to be ten o' clock, I bid my farewell and tired to go to sleep.

I couldn't help but think about Ridge. There he was, still training me to fight and be strong. Travelling the world with me, my hand went to my neck as I took out the tag he gave me. My thumb moved over the engraved surname.

Despite of him still helping me with my future, he was gone but still here. His letters were something that I read over and over again but didn't get tired of for they fascinated me so much. They made me feel safe, as if he was still here.

Turning off my side lamp, I turned and found Sarah sleeping soundly beside me, her face was losing her colour. I had to fix it, someway.

It had been like there was tenderness in my life but in the simplest moments, there will be ups and downs but for the most of the time. I know that I would be enthralled by the possible better future that had Rhys in it but this was reality. Not a love story.

The confusion in my mind was giving me a headache. Was there a way out of this? Could I possibly be set free from this shackles of suffering?

"This too shall pass" I said out loud. The happiness passed, so will the pain. My heart beated faster minute by minute when I couldn't get rid of whatever I was feeling.

    The next morning

I woke up when the alarm set off, last night I couldn't sleep at all. But after a couple of hours of trying to tire myself out, I went to a dreamless sleep.

After changing into decent clothes, making breakfast for Saeah and I. Eating mine, and telling Sarah that I was taking her keys with me whe  she said that she didn't want to get out of her bed.

I got out fo her house and called a taxi.

It was a cafe where Mr. Bennett and I were supposed to meet. Checking the time, releasing it was 9.45 already I sat quickly eating a croissant  and going through my mails.

I heard someone's presence behind me, not wanting to turn and look who it was. The person said from behind "Avery Stark. Now a Holt" in a deep courteous voice.

Thinking it was my queue to turn. With a croissant in my hand, I looked behind me and found a man in a black and white suit. A case in his hand, whole the other held a coffee.

"Mr. Bennett!" I said as I got up but he stopped me by taking a seat in front of me. I know that I dismissed what he just said. But then, I studied his face and all the flashbacks from high school came back.

Elijah Bennet. The high school jerk who used to wear those Harry Potter glasses who all the girls were a sucker for now sat in front of me whom I remember from "seven minutes in heaven". My first kiss, and that scar on his face from Ridge beating the shit out of him for kissing me.

I felt my cheeks warm up but now it was very different. Elijah Bennett was one of the most eligible bachelors in New York. That smirk on his face that time had turned into one of the most young and powerful lawyers here.

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