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Dont you get this feeling when you are at your worse, you cry out in pain saying "can this get any worse?" Thinking that life, fate, destiny, this world, your reality is done crushing you. You think that there is a limit on your destruction cause everything has a limit. Turns doesnt.

Pain has no limit.

Fate has to limit.

Reality has no limit.

Now that I think that I've been hit with the worst, to think of the harshness of what I said analyzed. I can't help but live in fear. What worse could happen to me now? Will it happen? Or is life going to some mercy on me?

When the days are the darkest, you can't seem to find light in yourself to move on. Everyone around you will not stop to wait for you to catch up, they'll keep moving like waves in the deep blue ocean. They can come around, eventually.

By the time they come around, you are ready. Ready to go with them, you become that wave that keeps on collecting the broken things not once forgetting that you were once a broken thing.

You just need someone to pull you out.

I sat in my office, with files all over my desk. I linched to bridge of my nose as I filled through a page.

How many clients have we lost in the past month?

Taking notes about every single detail that I had been looking for was written in front of me. The weird part was that, none of these people actually surfaced to my site. At all.

There was a knock on the door, and Felicity walked in with more files in her hands. I let out a tired sigh and she turned towards me saying "I have to tell you one thing about all of this sir. These clients that we have lost didn't even come to us first, it's almost as if someone is taking them in before they are approaching us. The ones who pull out of the agreement and who say that they found someone else, won't tell us the names as suddenly that information is "confidentia" " she air quoted the word confidential.

She took out a file, and handed it to me "Some projects are going in deficit. Also, more and more funding has been filed under you for all the departments" all this was giving me a headache now.

"Please go easy on the bad news, Felicity" I groaned.

"I'm sorry sir. But it's about time that you know what has been going on under our noses. The only way we actually found out about this was when Tory found that finances file in the board room" atleast we had a lead on this.

"So there is a leak" Felicity nodded.

"Would that be all, Felicity? I'll look into everything once I'm done with the Withmore files" I asked hoping there wasnt anything needed to be done by me.

"They want you in Canada on Friday" just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did.

I got up from my chair and started to gather my things, I needed to talk to dad about this. Though I was the CEO, and involving him wasn't a bold thing to do but I needed his help. Even if it was some advice.

My phone rang and I picked it up "Hello, Son?" I heard Dad say with such a calmness in his voice.

"Hey Dad" I said trying to mask the tiredness I felt in the moment.

"Is Avery better now? How is my daughter?" I let out a chuckle. He seems to care more for his daughter in law than is actual son.

"She is okay Dad. Better than before" I had told Dad about Avery and the thing she was going through. I made him promise not to tell mom about it. Knowing how she would react and I honestly was done with her "stuck with a cripple" speech. I hated that word. I hated how they treated her.

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