Chapter 2: Days From Mourning

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It's been two days since I heard my father was dead. Two days and I have not left my room. I began to feel numb. I couldn't even cry anymore. My body felt incapable of feeling anything physical or emotional. All my energy was depleted.

I pushed myself up off my bed, leaving the rose-colored fleece blankets wrinkled as I headed into the bathroom. I leaned my hands on the cold marble counter. Looking at my reflection in the mirror. Who was I? Zara of course, but who was I anymore? My family is gone. My father is gone.

The reflection showed dark circles under my grey eyes. My usually tanned skin was beyond pale and my long dark brown hair was matted. I glanced down at my body. The navy blue dress I wore was wrinkled and dirty.

"I look like shit..."

"You just lost your father, most people would look like shit." I heard Trisha in the room say reassuringly.

"Why are you so kind to me?"

I heard Trisha get up at my question as she walked to the bathroom doorway.

"Because... you have always shown me kindness, Lady Zara, even when no one else did," her voice sincere as she leaned against the side of the door, arms crossed.

She gave me a small smile.

"Now, get cleaned up. It's about time we get you something to eat, you will feel better soon. I promise." She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with my reflection in the mirror.

Why father? Why did you have to go?

I sighed. Here we go. I turned the knob to the shower. Checking the water temperature before pulling my dress off. I took my hairbrush into the shower with me. These mats were not going to be easy to get out of my hair.

I let the hot water soothe the tension in my muscles as it ran down my body. Each drop, each stream, having a calming effect. Slowly I washed up and then focused on my hair. Dousing it in conditioner as I tried to brush it out. Once I was finished I curled up, hugging my knees as I sat underneath the water. There was something I knew my father would want me to do. That was to keep the pack running the way it was. To keep the pack as a family. 

After several minutes of sitting underneath the hot water, I shut the shower off. I grabbed a towel and realized I had forgotten clothes. I cracked the bathroom door open, immediately feeling the cold air hit me. Goosebumps forming all over my body.


"Yes, Lady Zara?"

"Can you get me some clothes to wear?"

I heard Trisha giggle slightly. "Of course I can just give me a minute."

She quickly came to the door after a couple minutes of shuffling through clothes.

"Thank you," I grabbed the clothes from her and quickly shut the door to keep the warm air in.

I dried my hair and pulled the long dark brown locks back, only half up. Letting my curls intertwine with each other. I drew on black eyeliner on the top of my eyelids. Tracing into each side into a small wing, making my dark grey eyes 'pop'. I finished with some dark red lipstick. I quickly finished getting ready by getting dressed.

"Wow, you look beautiful Lady Zara," I heard Trisha say as I walked out of the bathroom. "That lacy burgundy dress and those ruby earrings make you look like a Queen."

I attempted a small smile, but my cheeks and lips felt so heavy, my smile came out very faint.

"Well, I cannot walk around in front of my pack looking the way I did before," I grumbled.

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