Chapter 15: The Gathering

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I never felt so many eyes on me at once. The pressure I felt from their gazes was suffocating. I knew that they held back their judgments, there disgraced thoughts of me being a female, leading a pack by myself. I was itching to shift and run, to feel free from this world. I knew that I couldn't though, I must show them the leader that I am.

"I, Luna Zara of the Solstice Pack, welcome all packs here today," I began announcing as I stood in the center of the dirt ring. Surrounded by strangers and enemies that hid their faces in sheepskin. "This gathering is called upon for Alphas to meet. To make sure all pack laws are in order. Most members of packs have been invited as well as I felt that many werewolves out there needed to find their mates," I paused. The crowd was so silent and tense, it made me on edge and nervous, "I am also announcing, the Solstice pack is allied with the Gevaudan pack."

"Here are your Alphas," Jack announced, gesturing at the line of Alphas walking into the ring. My gaze unintentionally pulled towards Alpha Helsin. His muscles were tensed as he walked with each step, his green gaze staring at me intensely. My heart skipped a beat, as I admired his black curls that went well with his darker toned skin. The sunlight making his skin glow a perfect golden tan, almost angelic. What the fuck was I thinking? I glanced away, ashamed that I had been checking him out. It angered me, more that he was my mate and I would feel such an attraction to the man who killed my father, then if he was just the alpha that killed my father.

"Luna?" Jack whispered, bringing my attention back to the crowd.

"Right," I cleared my throat, prepping for the next boring part of the ritual. "Here, stand in front of you, your Alphas. Please, one by one make your announcements to the packs and declare your allies." One by one, going down the line, each Alpha made an announcement and stated their allies. All the packs had allies, except the Crescent Moon pack. I knew they wanted power, and they wanted to look stronger than the Solstice pack. 

The battle our packs had was brutal, I knew it took a toll on them just as much as us. It was far from over though, I wasn't naive enough to think it was. The last Alpha finished his announcement and gave me a curt nod to proceed.

"I have one more announcement before dismissing everyone to the festivities of this gathering. Alphas can you please give me the center of the ring," I looked over them. Everyone wore expressions of confusion and surprise. The Alphas took several steps back to give me plenty of room. Jack strode off, returning with guards that dragged Tessa and George into the center of the ring.

"These two our of my pack," I declared, gesturing towards them. Movement caught my eye, a short blonde haired man walking away through the crowd. I had a feeling it was Troy, but I could not pursue him now, and he knew it. I looked at the two traitors, Tessa's green eyes wide in fear, while George smirked angrily. 

"I want to make something clear to not just my pack, but to all the packs. I will not tolerate disrespect. I will not tolerate being treated like I am less than worthy to lead. I will not tolerate traitors or anyone who tries and cross my path with no good intentions," I growled loudly. People looked at me with wide eyes, the air was filled with tension. The Alpha's stood there, their faces showing no emotions but not one was daring to move or speak.

"These two, Tessa and George, betrayed their Luna. Plotted against their Luna. Therefore, they had betrayed the Solstice pack as a whole. They are traitors, and they will be executed for their crimes," I declared. My heartbeat was beating rapidly as anger slowly seeped through me from remembering their betrayal.

"Don't you think an execution is a bit far?" I heard Alpha Adrik state.

"What would you do if you had traitors plotting your death?" I snapped. His eyes widened in surprise at my comment. I swear, for a leader, he was weak. Out of all the Alphas, he expressed the most emotions. "Any last words?" I turned to Tessa and George, as they stared at me wide-eyed, fear coming off them in waves.

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