Chapter 19: The Absent Son

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"Luna Zara. Alpha Helsin." Jack bowed slightly, greeting us at the doors to the palace.

"Beta Jack. How are you today?" I asked.

"I am well Luna. However, I have some news but I am not sure if it is bad or not..." he trailed off. Glancing from me to Alpha Helsin. 

"What is it? Or is this a private matter?"

"I think it's best we talk privately."

"Alpha Helsin, do you mind?" I asked. He nodded curtly and continued into the palace.

"Luna. Troy is in the meeting room." My heart stopped at Jacks words. My blood felt it had frozen.

"Why is he in there?" I growled lowly.

"I am not sure. He is with someone I do not recognize."

"Is he an Alpha?" I gritted through my teeth. Troy had something plan and I had a feeling it was bad news.

"I am not sure, Luna." Jack shifted his feet nervously. "I have a bad feeling, it's making my stomach tie into knots, Luna."

"Everything will be okay Jack. We will figure this out." I tried to reassure him through my anger.

"Luna Zara. Are you ready?" Trisha came up behind me. She didn't look at me or Jack. She was unusually nervous I could tell from the way she kept picking at her nails. She was to attend the meetings with us today.

"Of course. Let's start this meeting shall we?" I led the two of them into the palace and to the meeting room. Opening the big double doors to greet many Alphas and Betas. My eyes soon found Troy with an evil smirk on his face. His hazel eyes glowing in satisfaction. How badly I wanted to slap that smirk off his face and dunk his head into a toilet. A man stood next to him, his composure confident and solid. I didn't recognize him, but something about him was familiar.

"I am Luna Zara." I greeted the unknown man with a smile, holding out my hand. He looked down at my hand and snickered. Bringing his green gaze back to mine.


"Not an Alpha?" I asked kindly. He wasn't going to get a rise out of me. Yet. I noticed a scent coming off him but I couldn't recognize it. Something dark, bloody even. Almost vampiric? No. He smelled of a wolf, but not a normal one.

"No, but I will be." He smirked. He glanced over at Trisha with an odd expression. I couldn't place my finger on it. Something felt wrong. My stomach was churning, urging me to leave.

I didn't fail to notice that everyone in the room was watching in curiosity. All except Alpha Adrik of Glacier Pack. He seemed quite comfortable and not paying any attention.

"You know Damon, Alpha Adrik?" I stared at him hard. He looked shocked, not expecting me to speak to him.

"I-uhm. No. Luna Zara. I do not know this man." I could his heartbeat pick up. He was lying.

"You're a bad liar Alpha Adrik," I smiled nonchalantly. Bringing my attention back to Damon. "What is your business here?"

"Well. I've come to take over my rightful place as Alpha of the pack." He paced slowly, waving his hand in a continuous motion.

"You have no place to my pack."

"Actually. Sister, you're wrong." He turned back to me with a grin that made me want to punch his face into the ground. Did he call me sister? My heart rate was almost unbearable, it was beating so fiercely my whole body moved with each pump.

The Luna Amongst Alphas (REWRITING/ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now