Chapter 6: The Weak Are Strong

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I stared at him intently, the sun rays reflecting off of his shaggy brown hair that covered his eyes as he kept his gaze towards the floor of my office.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Jack," he mumbled.

I stared at him more, thinking hard. How could I turn this man into a Beta? Or would Trisha be a better fit?  I glanced over at Trisha who was standing in a corner looking through a book from the shelf. I turned around to gaze out the window, looking over the timber forest that never ended. Mountaintops showed in the distance, covered in snow, soon it would be winter.

"Trisha, I must ask," I began confidently, "would you prefer the Beta position or to be the first Selsa of our pack?"

Trisha's jaw dropped in surprise, she remained speechless for minutes before snapping out of it.

"With all due respect... but that is too much responsibility for me, so if I have to choose... I would rather be the Selsa..." she trailed off, looking anxious as she fumbled her fingers on the book.

"Very well then. Jack, you are to be my next beta," My voice stern, leaving no room for argument. He tensed up, I could feel the fear and anxiety coming off him in waves.

"Of course, you won't be given your positions until I train you, and you must pass the test," I explained, "and no one, not a single soul shall know about this, you understand?" I demanded more than asked. Jack nodded his head quickly in agreement, shuffling his feet, he was obviously nervous. Poor kid had so much to learn... I glanced over at Trisha who immediately nodded as well.

"Good. We will begin now," I stated, walking back over to my desk.

"Jack, you must not avert your gaze from others accept myself, Trisha, the same goes for you but you also must learn to fight, let's all go to the ring," I set the demands and led the way to the ring.


We walked to the edge of the ring, dust picking up from underneath our footsteps as the particles glided away in the breeze. Elvan, the pack's trainer for our warriors, noticed us and began walking over from the training field.

Ignoring him, I looked at Jack and Trisha who both looked calmer than earlier. Good.
"You two dual, do not harm each other but practice tactics, speed, death blows," I paused, watching them carefully, "but first I want you two to condition, run around the ring 50 times, start twice slow, the next two as fast as possible, and keep switching off and on. That is the start."

Jack and Trisha nodded and went behind the changing sections, shifting into their wolves. Both trotted into the ring, Jack's light brown wolf started running swiftly around the ring with Trisha's gray and white wolf on his heels.

"Luna Zara," Elvan bowed his head in greeting, coming to stand beside me as we watched the two wolves run around the ring.

"How are you Elvan?" I asked in greeting.

"I am well, how are you holding up?" He gave a small sympathetic smile.

"I am doing good considering," I replied, "is there something I can help with?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, Luna. I have been training and conditioning the pack as normal, but I wanted to make sure you had no particular plans for me?"

"Ahh, well, since you brought it up, I do have a few requests," I paused thinking over things for a minute.

"Anything for you, Luna," he gave a small smile again. He worked closely with my father, but not with me since my father trained me himself.

"Firstly, I want you to condition and train as if we were preparing for another war... I want all our warriors reaching their highest potential," I stated sternly, he gave a curt nod in response.

"I will get on that, Luna."

"Secondly, I want you to give these two lessons outside your regular time, early mornings when no one is awake but guards and patrol," I pointed my chin at Jake and Trisha running around the ring. "Train them to fight well, condition them hard but don't fatigue them, and teach them patrol... teach them how to lead," I finished. Elvan gave me a strange look, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Luna, I don't mean no disrespect but—erm... why such an interest in the two weakest wolves of our pack?" He asked confused, making me laugh a little, he smiled at my small outburst.

"Trisha is only the Omega because of what her parents did... betraying the pack like they did. She doesn't deserve to be punished for their actions, she has much potential that I think my father also saw in her..." I said sympathetically.

Elvan nodded his head in agreement, "he did see potential in her, but he didn't know what to do with her either... everyone blamed her, the pack themselves made her an Omega, leaving your father little choice in the matter," his voice also sympathetic. 

"As for Jack, I think he just needs the right push and training, but his loyalty lies true..." I paused, considering if Elvan was safe to confide in. Observing him for a minute, his short blonde hair, kind blue eyes, large jawline, slight wrinkles showing some age... his posture relaxed and he showed no unease in my presence.

"Make him my Beta, but tell no one until he passes my test," I said sternly under my breath to ensure he was the only one who heard. His eyes grew wide in surprise, but he nodded with a smile.

"I will turn him into a hell of a man, Luna" he grinned. The request delighted Elvan, I picked up the vibes that he was willing to help put this pack back together. His comfortable gestures slowly earned my trust, but I was still on edge.

"I'll leave you to it," I pointed my chin at Jack and Trisha,  he nodded and walked into the ring to instruct them further. I turned around and walked back to my office, there was much paperwork to do and I had to set up patrols, guards, look into an alliance, and make sure mated wolves are reproducing... however barbaric that may sound, we needed to grow our numbers back.

As I made my way to my office I opened the dark brown wooden door, and there on my desk sat a white rose. That's odd... I walked over and picked it up, attached was a note that I opened and read.

Your death is near my dear.

To the Audience:

Hmm... do you think she can turn Jake and Trisha into strong wolves?

What about the inner pack threat? How will she find out who that is?

Thank you for reading, I appreciate every single one of you! (:

P.S. the next chapter is from someone else's point of view, who might that be?


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