Chapter 5: Ashes

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The stars twinkled in the clear night sky, the moon almost full as it peered through the Douglas-fir trees, lighting up the forest floor.  I walked up on a flat stone with my black dress trailing behind me. I looked around at my pack as they circled my father's body, I kneeled to one knee. Resting a white rose on his remains.

"Rest in peace father. I will try and make you proud," I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I quickly whipped away the tear, remembering my father's words. It does not matter how many emotions you have, how overwhelmed you are, or how pained you might feel. You cannot let them see your weaknesses; it makes you vulnerable to those who will try to take you down. I stood up, glancing among my pack members once again.

"Alpha Denver, my father," My voice boomed through the forest.

"He was a good man, he cared for his pack like family because in his eyes we are family."

I could feel everyone's attention on me like I was buried alive and the pressure of the dirt kept weighing down on me.

"A pack is more than just bonds of friendship. More than numbers for protection. More than rituals for mating. A pack is a family. A bond we share with each other. A bond to protect and care for one another and to never leave a single person behind." Everyone remained speechless, intent on listening. Some sniffled, as tears rolled down their cheeks.

"In his honor, we will continue to be family, we will continue to be strong, and one day..." I paused, "we will get revenge for his death."

"For Alpha Denver!" I yelled.

The pack began chanting 'for Alpha Denver!' I stepped down from the stone to where Trisha was waiting patiently with a burning stick.

"Thank you, Trisha." I took the stick gently from her.

She gave a sad smile. I knew she felt the loss of my father. He did much for her when she lost everything. She might have even had begun to see him as a second father. I walked back up on the stone to my fathers remains. Silently staring down at him. I wish you didn't leave me so soon, father. The pack silenced, bringing me back to reality.

"Rest in peace Alpha Denver," I held up the burning stick as my pack chanted the same words in unity.

Bringing the stick down once silence filled the forest floor again. I let the flames engulf my father's body as they flickered hungrily.  We watched in silence, for hours. Until all that was left was hot coals and ashes. This ritual was both in honor of my father and a way to let the pack mourn for his loss. The wind picked up some ashes and they flowed away softly, scattering among the earth.

"Ahem," I heard a man clear his throat behind me.

It was quiet but enough for me to hear. Glancing behind me was the warrior from the other day with the shaggy brown hair. He looked uneasy, waving his hand in a gesture for me to come over. He was trying to get my attention in as subtle as possible. I was slightly annoyed. What could be so important?

"What do you want?" I growled lowly.

I was trying to keep the conversation subtle so no one's mourning was interrupted. He shuffled his feet, looking pale and shaking from fear. He held out a note to me. What the bloody hell? Confused, I took it and opened it.

'You may have killed the Beta, but you are far from being my Alpha-Luna. You no longer have a Beta, you have no one. I could be the guard that stands outside your door tonight. Mark my words, you will go down. Soon.'

"Who gave this to you?" I snapped, making sure to keep my volume low even though I was fusing so much my heart pounded in my ears.

The man shrugged, looking at the ground wide-eyed.

"If you do not tell me, I swear it will be the end of you," I took a step closer to him.

"I-I don't know-it was slipped under my door..." he quickly explained, stuttering over his words.

I gave him a hard stare, making him quiver in fear and whine.

"I swear, Luna. I-I heard a knock an-and when I opened my door the note was there. B-but when I opened t-the door, no one was there," he tripped over his words, fearing the worse.

I relaxed a little. The man wasn't lying. His composition told me he was telling the truth.

The note unnerved me. All I could do is just stand there staring at the poor man who had to give it to me. I needed to choose a Beta soon and with this note, it was clear I could not trust anyone but two people. This man, who in my opinion, wouldn't hold well in the position and my Omega, Trisha.

To the audience:

I know there's not a whole lot of characters at play right now... but any guess on who the note might be from?

Could it be Zara's closest friend? Or... someone of higher ranking?

The hint is, yes, it is someone from her pack, not an outsider. (;

There is a vote button if you feel any chapters deserve it so far, and thank you so, so much for reading! (:

Last edited: 12/16/2018


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