shwarma 3

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In these oneshots spiderman doesn't have a crappy suit . he has a high quality suit that took him months to make .

"Impossible "

"Oh its true , just look at the files on this kid-"

"Wait hold on . your meaning to tell me that spiderman is a kid ?"

"HOld on let me explain . the kid has the exact same height as him and the kid is superhuman , we saw it with our own eyes !"

"And ?"

"That's all we got "

"REALLY ?you're going to assume he is spiderman just because of that ?? "


"How do you know he is superhuman?"

"So we were following the boy"

"Hold up . wHy were y'all doing that in the first place ?"

"I know weird right ? I asked myself the same question too "

"Continue "

"And he noticed us without looking and we breefly started following him , then he started running super super fast and we bearaly were catching up with him !! I had my sports car GOING AS FAST AS IT COULD GOOO "

Fury started to get interested .

"And before all of that , he caught a ball that was about to hit caps face without even FACING THE RIGHT DIRECTION !"


"AND THERES MORE . he shook caps hand  without trying and he did it so hard it left him with a dislocated PINKY ,"

"When were done with this , you got to explain this to me in order cause i cant seem to grab on to what actually happened "

"why don't we grab a cup of coffee while you tell me the entire story "

As fury opened the door the entire squad of avengers fell to the floor because they were eves dropping

He stared for what seemed like hours but was only 5 seconds  before just saying

"You mother fucKers "




"Look at that its spiderman saving yet another family from a burning building "

"That's a total of 10 families there "

"ok once he gets the last family to safety we attack"

"Careful he might actually be a kid "



"good point ."

"anyway . look he's coming back "

He went to the building right next to the burning one before collapsing on the roof "

"Oh god he doesn't look so good ."

"Told you we should have helped him and now he is dying"


Clint then got up and went towards the building .

As he crept towards him he slowly reached for his mask when all of a sudden spiderman scooted away in fear but didn't get very far .

"Hey ,hey calm down my name is Clint and I couldn't help but noticed you got a little hurt so I came by to help "

Spiderman started breathing heavy before clint could continue .

"Guys I think he in trouble . He's having trouble breathing . should I take off his mask ?"

"tony take him to dr cho "cap spoke through the mic

Not even 10 seconds later iron man was flying away with a nearly dead spiderman in his arms .


Peters pov .

I opened my eyes to see myself in a completely white room with a huge window .
I looked at the bed and myself that I was in and I seemed to be perfectly fine except the pain on my leg .


He didn't start panicking till he realized the last thing he wore was his spiderman suit and at the moment he only had on a gown with a blanket .

"Hello peter parker , my name is nick fury and I'd like to speak to you about your extra curricular activities we caught you doing last night "

Spiderman oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon