Give me a break : part two

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Had a lot of request and woo here yah go I hope y'all enjoy my crap

He knew because of his spider sense that his best friend was behind him and that could only mean one thing . The field trip.

He walked off not caring weather or not his class mates saw his face

"Tell that to the Fucking avengers when you get a chance tony!!!!"  


To say that Peter classmates were shocked was an understatement.






They were Fucking scared.

The sudden realization that they bullied the supposed nerd of Midtown high that has the fucking balls to tell off IRON MAN and leave him to his total disposition.

Peter Parker has an influential position above iron man and the avengers,
And I guess now you could add his classmates too.

Not caring if anybody was in his way, Peter walked with a scowl on his face, anger blinding his judgement as he walked past his classmates revealing the very thing he made sure was hidden for a long time.

Obviously his speech made it clear he was super human so that doesn't need to be explained. but oh how that changes his status at midtown high, but that story is for another day. 

Tony fucked up.

And Steve

And Natasha

And Thor

And Bruce

And sam

And cli-

Ah well you get the point.

The students turned to see tony but he was already gone with no trace left behind.

They just couldn't put two and two together.


Peter was packing his bags

Obviously he knew the avengers didn't mean any harm to overcome him but he just couldn't face them after their careless mistakes.

Their altered ego of being a hero cause great damage to Peter, physically and  mentally

Assuming because Peter has powers that he could handle it, and because they are experienced within the field that they have a right to treat him in such a way.

Peter was tired and acknowledged the fact that he's fucking things up for not thinking straight and he has the avengers to thank for that.

Grabbing everything necessary he held his luggage and left the room hosted to him.

Upon his journey to the elevator he encountered the worlds mightiest hero's waiting in silence waiting to get a chance to talk to him.

"Peter we wa-"

"Nope shut up I get to speak first"Peter said with an indifferent voice.

"I know you all did not mean harm and I'm sure I can forgive you all, but I'm not just going to waltz around and act like it was ok and praise you all, like I happen to do every time you are all around. You people saves lives daily and risk your lives for the greater good of our society."

It was really a shameful sight to see, a teenager educating full grown adults.peter being the only one breaking the silence.

"I cannot thank you enough for it because that's something I want to do too be a hero and save lives. But at this instant I cannot see the worlds most trusted hero's  without wanting to punch them so I rather not stick around and test that theory. I will let my anger die down and hopefully you can accept my way of handling things because we obviously do it in different manners."

Peter dodged his way around them and headed towards the elevator.

"I am a living example for you all that careless actions can push away people and by the looks of it almost kill them"Peter said with a dry laugh

The elevator opened and Peter stepped inside

He turned to look at them with a smile

"Peter were sorry"they said. Regret and shamefulness lingering in the air.

"See you all next Monday"

And just like that the elevator door shut breaking all point of contact.

"Holy shit that was scary"

"Omg omg omg I just gave the avengers a fucking lecture and they listened to me"

He let got of a breath he had been holding  and leaned against the wall in relief

despite Being in a state of panic Peter felt good.


Just mentally

But physically he felt like shit.

The bandage around his arms and neck we a tad bit too tight and he was ready to have them re adjusted as soon as he got home.

The elevator door opened and he took a step forward, ready  to take on the world.
That was it until he herd the other elevator to the side ding.

Just his Parker luck.

Authors note:



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