Part 2

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Hahaha I decided to torture y'all and post part two tomorrow and meanwhile here's a quickie I made .

Leaving your spider suit at home in the middle of a shooting in the street while your stuck in a bus full of civilians must suck . Right ?

Him being Spider-Man, he can't get out and help and who was supposed to do spidey's job?

Just as he was about to act captain America and his team showed up

The x avengers

They began to handle the situation and Peter couldn't be any happier .

Wanda started to hurry the people out of the bus because people left their cars in the scene so they could go no where that included driving

Peter making sure everybody got out was at the back and was starting to make his way forwards when the entire bus tilted
And dropped sideways .

"What the fuck"

Peter took the somewhat large piece of glass of his shoulder and tried getting up but there was 3 seats on top of him .

That is really not a lot but when you have glass all over your body it tends to be hard to get out of


"Wanda !! I thought it said you took everybody out !!we used this bus as a cover !!"

"I did!"

"I got him"
Sam said

Peter by his time had already managed on getting up and crawling towards the door leaving a trail of blood behind .

Most of his cuts weren't deep and just surface layer . The only thing that caused him pain was the impact

Sam has already gotten to the door at the same time as Peter and helped him get through the fire

And just as they made it to the x avengers side and that did Peter start to feel the pain

"I got it I'll go , it's only surface cuts . You can continue fighting . Their source of armory is behind the red car in the left , shoot that and they got nothing "

"Thanks kid"

"Wanda get him out of here"

Peter looked around him and saw a red force pick him up and levitate him towards the side of safety

Now Peter not far enough away but away from fire

They did as he told them too and the guns and bombs were up

He was finally making his way towards the west hospital when he felt a warning towards himself

He turned around and saw the last guy shoot the captain in slow

He didn't get the warning . The captain seemed to be fine with him shielding himself until the bullet came in contact with the shield

He finally got it

It bounced and made its way towards Peter

Poor defenseless Peter . So hurt he can't even manage to walk right or dodge a bullet

One out of the thousands that he survived and somehow he New it was going straight for his heart

His lack of energy and momentum seemed to struck at the same time as the bullet came in contact with his chest

Open your eyes

Live your day

Till the night

It's time dream

It's time to sleep

Close your eyes

And never repeat

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