Far from love

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Mjs pov

Ok so maybe Peter is hot

But that didn't stop Mj from wanting to run for her life right after she ran out the cafeteria

She obviously couldn't go back because she was already heading out the cafeteria

But what scared her was that Peter knew that she knew that nobody else knew that Peter was spiderman

And the moment she stepped out the cafeteria

Peter wasn't there

There was absolutely no Time or way that Peter disappeared through the long hallways because Michelle was just a couple of steps behind Peter

She cleared her mind and walked towards the library

Peters and mY  POV ......

A few minutes after Michelle left

"Holy shit what have I done ?"

And you might ask where i peter is at in the moment ?


Peter suddenly met with the ground face first after falling from a very high altitude

Yeah Peter was in the ceiling

Key word  : was

" Ha ha very funny , I wouldn't be in the fucking floor in the first place if you didn't put me up in the ceiling"


As you can see Peter is being a little asshole and should go follow Mj to tell her not to tell that Peter is Spider-Man

"Who are you talking too ?"Peter asked the narrator

The better question is who are you talking too in the middle of an abandoned Hallway

Any way Peter followed Mj towards the library

"Why do I have to go follow Mj since I think she got the idea to not tell anybody that when I winked at her !"

Shut up and do it , it's for a romantic cheesy moment this has all been leading up for .

"And what took you so long to update the chapters in your book ? ! I mean it's been 20 or more days and I haven't gone through a sad depressing one-shot yet. !!!"

Jeez what ever you say Ben

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