peter is that kid

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"Who are you ?"

"My name is stefan "

"And why are you here "

"Just to give you a slight warning "

"What ? , why ?"

"Dont get too attached ."

The kid looked about 3 years older than him , maybe 4 but he was definetly older .

He seemed to look upset  and that worried peter .

"Are you ok ?"


"You know what it feels like , when the people you love leave you ?"

"More than you'd expect "

"No , im not talking about deaths "

"They take you in , they give you love  , hug you ,, shower you with presents and love you till you get old and not so cute anymore , they just ... forget "

Peter seemed to know who he was talking about but wanted a confirmation.

"Start making a life for yourself , and dont depend on them too much "

Before peter could say anything , the older kid left the alley

He thougt he would come back but dhe just let him be

He thought long and hard on his way home towards the tower .

Thinking about  the  advise .

Going up his way towards the living room to ask the avengers themselves

And just as the doors opened .

"Hey peter , this is my new intern ,max , he is going to be your new partner "

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