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My entire mind started spinning . I thought the kid was dead for sure and I didn't know what to do .

I felt the guilt creep up my spine . I wanted to go away but I would live with guilt .

I suddenly understood Starks reason for the accords leaving me in more sadness .

Then came a knock at my door .

"Wanda ? Can I come in ? "

It was tony

Wanda hesitated but let him in with her magic

"Hey I just wanted to -"

"Its all my fault .i helped ultron, caused the civil war , and know I killed him "

"No no Wanda you didn't kill him . He is stable at the moment and will get better , non of this is your fault "

That moment tony reached for Wanda's shoulder and at the impact she saw what he saw

It was the boy . He was in a bed with scars all over his body , yes scars . Somehow not one of the injury's she gave him we're there .  He seemed to be smiling at stark

Wanda scooted away

"How is the child alright ?"


"I saw him stark , through you . How is he up and talking ?"

"Can you keep a secret "

Wanda was now worried

"That kid you see through me is SpiderMan "

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