"hey kid "

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"What did i do wrong ?"


"Nothing kid , you did everything right "

They were in titan . Evrything was destroyed ,
Even iron man

"Will you be ok ??"

He tried giving the best answer

"You know i cant guarrante that "

Peter looked away trying to hide his tears .  He could not belive the fact that the iron man might not make it because he decided to save him .

"Please make it "

"Everybody is back at earth and you and i are left here .
I need you to go back ... in that space ship . Withount me "

"No "

"I have very little time left and you might as well go on withount me  and i know your smart enough to get it back as good as new  "

"No "

"Please kid i have moments left and i dont want you to see me like this "

"Please mr stark dont "

"Tell pepper that i love her , and that im sorry i couldnt make it there for letting her raise a child on her own "

Peter was suprised

"Pepper's expecting ?? " peter's voice was held back by a sob

"Yes "

"And i want you to keep this "

Tony handed peter his iron man glove

"Just for a memory of me "

"Mr stark dont do this to me , we will take you back and you will be alright "

Tony was at his last couple of breaths .

"You never did anyhing wrong peter . And i know i dont know you very well  ,  but i care for you inmensly . Please dont ever be sad because of me , "

"Mr stark ?? "

There was only silence lingering

"Tony ??"


The trip back was very complicated .

He had to manage the spaceship on his own across the galaxy .

Having constant panick attacks while managing it was hard .

He took  his mentor with him

He took tony with him .

He managed to get his suit fixed and coverd him up

He  was   okay

The food had runned out about just a day ago .

But he knew he was close to earth .

The stars he studied as a kid engraved in his mind were very close to him .

He could make it back .

Everybody who died was alive .

Thanks to tony .

Everbody was back at earth celebrating victory

Exept tony

Peters body was weak from the fight and just the empty stomak made it worse .

before he knew it he saw thd face of the earth ..

Nothing was brown . Just green and blue .

Everything seemed to be perfect .

If only they knew .

A screen popped up . Motioning a target somewhere named wakanda .

He didnt qant to go there . He wanted to hug aunt may  , ned ,
Ms potts , and even mj .

But the ship seemed to be steering itself on its own .

Slowly it started to lower itself from the atmosphere  making itsway towards the green land .

He couldnt belive his eyes when he saw the modern city infront of him .

Everything infront of him was amazing but what was concerning was how to land the spaceship .

He was falling pretty fast  amd the controls didnt want to respond . The only thing in his mind was to protect tony

He webbed  tony and himself towards a capsule and waited for the landing


To peter , it was one of the most painful things in his entire world but hemanaged to go out .

He dragged tony with him and towatds what seemed to be a city of vibranium .

People were pouring out of nowhere ready to attack him , but when they saw the condition he was in and the way he carried iron man they put down their guards.

they werent dressed for a fight . They were dressed in bright colors , as if they were in a festival .

They were probably celabrating .
Something he couldnt even think about in the moment .

The avengers were approaching  him with a worried look .

"Who are you , and why is tony like that ?" Steve said while picking tony up

"My name is peter parker and im spiderman "

They were all taken back by the young look on peter .

"Is stark unconscious   ?"


"Tony is dead "

Part twoo will come for all of my unfinished one shots

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