Far from love

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Ps might not make sense

Mj has a incredulous look upon her face

Peter . The kid in her first and fourth class of the day followed by her last class had a gash on the back of his neck the other day .

Nobody really noticed , and Mj wouldn't have noticed either if he didn't try to hide it so much yesterday

Constantly pulling his collar up and always having his hand behind the his neck .

Eventually Mj got a good look and she wished she hadn't seen at all

And now that gash is gone

The once bloody neck was now nice and pretty

Not that he was pretty or anything

That sparked curiosity within her and that gash wasn't the only thing she noticed

Whether it's a limp, a bruise ,or a cut , they were all gone by the next day


Leaving her with he need of knowing how the boy got these beatings

The boy Peter was very shy .
He was ignored constantly and bullied , here and there .
She overheard a couple of girls talk about him
"Oh yeah , Peter cute but not hot"

Mj on the other hand was not bullied but incredibly ignored

The most bullied she revived was a push from the hallway or some racial slurs

They lived in New York but segregation mildly there

The only reason mj made it to this school was because  of her genius mind

The bell finally rung and all of the kids scattered of into the mists of the hallway


He end of the day came by quicker than she expected

It was time to follow with her plan

Mj planned to follow Peter  to see where he went

Peter has quit band and robotics and that only worried mj more

Peter ran out of the building while mj followed

She ran and kept close behind him until he took a turn into a alley

Mj's thought revolves around Peter doing or selling drugs which almost made her turn back

Until he took his shirt off

Mj was shocked at what she saw

She witnessed Peter Parker , he skinny wimpy kid take his shirt off and reveal muscle

By the time he took his pants off and took out a suit
Mj was ready to pass out

Peter Parker was spiderman

She ran away as fast as she could because she has he biggest secrets ever to be held in history

She ran towards her apartment and up the stairs , towards he room

She stayed in her room the entire day and only got out to eat and take a shower

the next day ...

Mj avoided Peter the entire day and it wasn't hard at all since she didn't talk to him anyway .

She couldnt get the fact that Peter was spiderman

Should she tell anybody or should she keep it to her self

As these thoughts revolves around mjs head , she lifted her head and saw Peter  wink at her

Holy fuck, does Peter know that I know he know's that I didn't know that I know

She stood from her table and went towards the library

Mj didn't even get halfway through the cafeteria without slipping

Almost slipping

The next thing she knew she had a strong arm hold her by her wait with her back pack being held by that other strong arm

The entire room was watching


"Watch our Mj , you never know what can happen to you" he said with a smile

He helped her up and walked out the cafeteria .

We're the fuck did he get hat Confidence?!

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