C10: The Flower

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"We can burn her... if you want" Kassandra had shrugged as Eos had looked down at Chrysis' body, tilting her head as if she couldn't decide on what to do with it. If Kassandra had learned anything from her time with Kyra, it was that a parent - however terrible - was still a parent.

"No" Eos said quietly, she looked over at her, biting her lip, "Can I have your sword a moment".

Kassandra didn't know whether to be impressed or grossed out in the single swing that decapitated Chrysis' putrid head from her putrid body.

"Is that a thing you have" Kassandra asked, Eos raised her brow, "cutting heads off".

Her brother had done it to Elpeanor and she'd been so relieved that she'd had a mask on. Although, she was sure she'd heard the others gasp around her too, a testimony, she imagined, to her brothers power.

"Someone once told me that to kill a snake, you have to cut their heads clean off their shoulders" Eos replied,

"Snakes don't have shoulders" Kassandra said, putting her hands on her hips.

"These ones do" Eos shrugged a shoulder, she smiled, "And now the maters and babes of Argolis can sleep peacefully in their beds knowing that this ones not coming back to life". Eos passed Kassandra's sword back to her, "But now, I need to go to Chrysis' temple" Eos told her,


"Because Chrysis begged the Gods to heal Asphodel..." Eos shrugged as she turned around to her, walking backwards "there's only one place she'd do that..." Eos shook her head, scowling at herself, "and it's the only place we wouldn't go",

"Why" Kassandra asked again. Eos had already started to move, heading in the direction of the valley,

"Because it's where all this started for us... lying on an altar with a bat-shit crazy witch screaming in to the night. Your brother-" Eos hesitated. She'd kept so much away from Kassandra, so much that she'd deserved to know, she was worried, if only for a moment that maybe Kassandra didn't want to talk about it - not really - but, as always, Kassandra was more than eager to hear what she had to say,

"My brother what" Kassandra asked, Eos continued,

"Well... as big and mean as he is... he hates the place just as much as any of us do" Eos glanced over her shoulder to look at Kassandra, she wasn't looking at her but looking forward, a determined look on her face as they walked towards the temple. Kassandra was still processing all that had happened but, a grudge against Eos was not one of them. "Only one of us who would go there voluntarily was Asphodel" Eos had added.

"What happened to you and your brother" Kassandra asked, Eos had never really told her.

"Abandoned, left in the woods to starve - or that's what they said" Eos shrugged, "I don't really know if I'm honest" - they'd lied about how their champion had come in to their possession, they'd probably lied about the rest of them too.

"So, she took you there to scream at the Gods to make you strong then" Kassandra asked,

"Yeah, to make us strong and affirm our twin-like bond" Eos said sarcastically. "Glaukos, he washed up on the shore as a babe, she had to scream at Poseidon to make sure that he wasn't about to drag him back in and drown him. Pyros - complete opposite - " she waved her hands in the air, "he was pulled from a burning shack, the palest of Greeks skin almost blackened with ash and sores - you can still see them now" Eos' were like a smudge compared to the ones that covered him, "I was there when she screamed for him, calling out to the Gods to ensure the fire inside him never went out".

Eos had been four. Somehow, she'd decided that following her mater - and almost giving Dolops a bit of a heart attack - was the best idea she'd ever had.

The Children // ASSASSINS CREED ODYSSEY // DEIMOSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora