C33: The Pawn

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"Just tell me where he is" Eos said. That's all she wanted from him right now. Nothing more.

"I told my-". Eos threw the tooth at his feet as he turned around to face her.

The Demi-God grinded his teeth as he looked down to it,

"Do not treat me like a fool" Eos said,

"Then perhaps you should stop acting like one" - his voice was low, almost a growl

"Tell me where he is" 


"No, just answer the question" Eos shouted. Deimos came towards her and grabbed at her arm but she stepped back and swatted him away, "Please",

"I told you" he snatched at her arm again and held it tight, squeezing it, "Don't be a fool. Leave m-".

She hit him. Right in the face. Fingers or not, her fist connected with his jaw and he stumbled back, a small hesitation before he drew his sword and stalked towards her. A rage brewing inside. Except Eos didn't move.

"What is wrong with you" he said as he grabbed on to her and held her over the edge, she didn't even try to fight it- Pyros would have shit himself - he hated heights, hated looking down - but Eos embraced them and - she knew he wouldn't let go.

"You should know" she said, staring in to those cold olive brown eyes that had such chaos and loss behind them.

Deimos took a breath and stepped away, pulling Eos back with him and letting his sword fall back in to its sheath,

"Just answer my question and I'll be gone" Eos said, she looked down at the tooth, at the imposter, at the lie Deimos had told Kleon.

For Laelaps.

For her?

Deimos looked with her.

"He was alive the last time I saw him" Deimos said, "He escaped the wagon and left",

"He just left" Eos shrugged. Deimos took a breath,

"We fought but, he got away",

"Well he didn't come back to Sparta" Eos told him, "He's not here" she gestured to the air around them, "Where is he",

"I do not know" Deimos said, he turned away from her, to look back out over Athens. Even with all the chaos inside of him, even he could not resist the beauty of a quiet night overlooking the city - the peace it would give him for just a moment.

"Why did you lie to Kleon" Eos asked it, she knew she shouldn't have. The answer was clear. But, some part of her hoped that letting him say it out loud may have helped.

Deimos raised his head and snorted, "Hmnn".

Eos knew then that she was not going to get the reply she wanted.

"Because he wanted proof of my allegiance" Deimos said, gesturing to the world in front of them,

"So you gave him a lions tooth" Eos shrugged, "I didn't realise your leadership was so at stake",

"It's not" Deimos muttered,

"But you swore your allegiance to him",

"To the cult" Deimos spat as he turned around, "I swore my allegiance so they know I shall not be swayed by the likes of you" he seethed, pointing at her.

"Huh" he turned away from her again - he couldn't let her get to him, not like this, "your allegiance was a lie" Eos told him. Deimos shook his head as his finger nails dug in to the stone of the balcony.

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