C 46: The Way

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Alexios had started walking, his mind reeling with what had been said, what had been done, what he could do, what he couldn't do... he didn't care if it was dangerous, he didn't care if Amorges showed up, he'd tear him apart and then he'd just keeping going... keep running...

He stopped...

That's what he was doing...

He wasnt helping her... or the baby...

Alexios collasped on to his knees, his thigh twinging as he fell forward. He grabbed at it and turned on to his back as he waited for the pain to pass.

It was time for him to stop. A forest was what lay beneath him, the cliffs of the mountain dithering off as he'd got further north, no idea where he was going. What he was doing.

But, what he did know, was that, that rush of adrenalin he'd had, it had run its course and, the bruises, the new scars, they hurt. Alexios sat up, grabbing at his leg as another shot of pain went through it.

They'd stabbed him in the thigh and, it had slowed him down enough for them to knock him out. He could still feel the bruise on the side of his head where they'd smacked him with the shield.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he rode out the pain.

The old man, Darius, he'd told him to get caught but, he'd been taken aback by how quick it had happened... how easily they'd known he had left the safety of that court yard...

As he'd turned a corner, attempting to calm himself down, he'd been that little too distracted with his thoughts to realise the influx of men that pounced on him from behind and dragged him in to an alleyway.

After some fight, where Alexios had managed to kill one of them by squeezing his head that little too hard, the thrill of that kill had distracted him enough, that it left room for someone to stab a dagger in to his thigh, the twist around he did meaning that, ultimately,  he knocked himself out with a sheild that was being held high...

The next thing he knew, he'd woken up, his arms tied behind a pole, his shoulder out of place and a throb in his head...

Darius had brought him to, slapping him with a wet enough hand to wake him up. He had growled at him at first, not realising who it was before he saw the yellow eyes behind the mask, Cyrus commenting that the reason they'd treated their guest so poorly was because he acted like an animal...

Then, Cyrus had knelt in front of him.

"Eos" Alexios grunted at him, "and the other one" Cyrus sighed, "they were always so accommodating. Like one of our own" he spread his arms, gesturing to the men around him - of which Alexios knew then, also must have included Natakas aswell. "It is ashame she had to pick such a chaotic path but, no bother, Amorges is sure it shall lead her back to us" Cyrus sat back on his feet, a contemplative look on his face, "its just ashame he hasn't realised that she's not one to make the sacrifice play... I am though" Cyrus had smiled at him then, "death should not be feared by those like us, those that play with a fine tune balance, those who seek to break that balance completely... there will always be someone else to take up the helm".

It was then Cyrus brought out a dagger, Eos' dagger, running his finger across the blade.

Alexios had managed another grunt but, his throat was so dry, his body so weak, all he'd been able to do was pull towards him - it didn't bother the bald man.

"To be cut by a lovers weapon, now, how poetic is that",

Alexios, using what little energy he'd had, had pulled at his bindings again, feeling his shoulder pull itself back in to place as Cyrus fell back - he may not have feared death but he did fear him.

The Children // ASSASSINS CREED ODYSSEY // DEIMOSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat