C 47: The Walk

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"Do you realise what this means" Eos asked - they were sat around a table, Alexios about ready to flip it over.

"What" Alexios snapped as he threw his hands up in the air, he'd had enough, he couldn't deal with this anymore,

"That you need to. Go. Outside. And. Take. A. Walk",

"You sa" he threw his hand out to Glaukos,

"No, he's not cheating. You are losing. It is a different thing" Eos said. That wasn't to say Glaukos wasn't being a dick but still, there was no point in hurting the furniture over it.

"Ugh" Alexios fell back in to his chair with a thud, his arms folded as he blew out of his nose like a bull,

"Its just simple-" Glaukos, bold as ever, had a little bit of a death wish, it seemed.

"Shut up" Eos had, had just as much enough of him as she'd had of Alexios today.

Hippokrates sighed from his seat at the table, smiling at the dice the three of them had in front of them. The doctor had wanted to enjoy a nice game before heading out to do his rounds but, Glaukos, having seemed to have got that much bolder these last few weeks, suggested games that Alexios wasn't exactly knowledgeable on and, meant that the man was going to lose much more than he would win - unless Hippokrates was able to spot an outburst and throw the game first, losing nothing in comparison to the pride Alexios lost when he did.

"Its a stupid game anyway" Alexios muttered,

"It is n-",

"Glaukos, will you join me on my rounds today" Hippokrates asked, "I have a man who may need to have a limb amputated and, he needs a little reassurance",

"I can break the other leg for you" Alexios suggested. Eos sighed, "you can hold hands and have them amputated together",

"Thanks for the offer" Glaukos said, "but, I think I'm good on that front",

"Are you sure" Alexios leaned forward as Glaukos stood up, holding on to his crutch to balance himself,

"Perhaps you'd spend your time better if you learned how to play properly" Glaukos shrugged,

"Perhaps you'd be better on a-" Alexios stood up again,

"Will you just go" Eos asked. Alexios looked over at her but, she was looking to Glaukos.

"Fine" Glaukos said,

"And how about you come back without that smirk on your face" Eos asked him as he turned away, Hippokrates now next to him.

Alexios watched as the two of them left before he turned back to Eos.

"What was that" Eos asked him,


"He's trying to rile you up" Eos told him, "don't let it get to you. You're supposed to be friends",

"Friends" Alexios snorted, he sat back down, picking at the table,

"Oh, I forgot. Big scary Demi-Gods don't have friends, do they" Eos was sat down across from him,

"Eos..." Alexios trailed away,

"You shouldn't have said it, you know" Eos said, "and I don't mean about what you were going to say", well, he shouldn't have wanted to say that either but, still...

"I didn't know he was listening" Alexios said, "but I wasn't lying". He didn't regret what he said, not really, but, he did wish Glaukos would have minded his own business...

"I know" Eos said quietly, "but we're in this together now" she told him. "He didn't have anyone like we did... Akin had Asphodel... Melaina had her voices... Pyros had those boots... Kallinos had a whole damn army... I had you..." Alexios met her eye then, giving her the smallest of smiles, "Glaukos didn't have anyone... books don't talk back...".

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