C16: The Path

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Deimos knelt, turning over the bodies of his dead guards. How could he be surprised? He'd given the mongrel a chance. A small chance but – a chance none the less.

The lycaon hadn't killed them – that hadn't changed – but, Eos had put them out of their misery.

Which, he didn't know if he was more pissed off about than the actual escape. Now, he had no leads and, no one to take his anger out on.

He should have just choked the bitch to death the moment he saw her. This was never going to end any other way. Not with the lycaon still running about.

Not with the way she made him feel.

And, it wasn't like he could trust her. He had known that there was more to that night in Phoki's but, had it not been necessary. They'd wanted the child to be a warrior, an ambassador for their cause, another child for Kosmo. Not a replacement. Eos had betrayed the cult – even if she'd told him months before that she would – she'd gone through with it and; how could he trust someone like that.

How could he trust anyone...

Deimos stood, stepping over the bodies and following the faint bloodied footprints that Eos had left behind her, they faded away before the bottom came and he'd looked, straight out to the gates.

All she was now, all she ever really was, was just another obstacle he had to overcome...

Maybe she'd even be useful... Maybe death was too kind...

Or... maybe he had to get a hold of himself and, the next time he saw her, he'd smash her head in to a wall.

Whatever it was, he'd show her that she couldn't get under his skin but, he could easily get under hers.

He'd show them all...


Eos had been sat for almost an hour when Laelaps had pricked his ears up - he didn't move from his spot so, the danger wasn't immediate but, it was coming and, they had to leave.

"Melaina. Get up. We have to go",

Melaina had been sat on the floor in complete silence since Eos' outburst. Eos had allowed the words to settle but, Melaina was allowing them to cut away at her - doubting the last few weeks as if they'd meant nothing.

"He will not stop" Melaina said, swirling her fingers in the pattern of a snake on the stone floor,

"Until I am dead - yes - I know" Eos stood, stretching her one arm in the air and rubbing the lycaon - who was actually now lay on his back - on the belly with her foot. Eos looked at the candles dotted around the room.

They could not leave a scene such as this to be found. Could they?

"Until you are back under his control" Melaina corrected her, still sat,

"Melaina. I was never under his control, even before" Eos said. It had been mutual. They'd enjoyed it just as much as one another. Yes, Eos probably could have enjoyed their moments together that little bit more had he let her touch him at will but, he'd made up for it for them both.

And, they'd been working on it. Some shape.

"You know what he's like when it comes to physical contact" Eos felt the need to remind her, "if it doesn't include him strangling you to death, he's not exactly up for it",

"Maybe not but, it is not before, it is now", Eos rolled her eyes,

"And, in the now, we should go" Eos told her,

"Why... why even bother" Melaina said quietly,

"Because you owe me Melaina" Eos wasn't sure if it was true, if it even counted because she was essentially guilt tripping her in to moving but, whoever was to come, wasn't exactly going to take kindly to what had happened here. "The rest of the eyes will fall from their graces without their sage - and, when they get too much, they'll end up dead".

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