C29: The Eye

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"Laelaps said you'd be in there somewhere" Kassandra said as Eos found her and Lagos, "well, he snorted, a lot, I assumed" Kassandra shrugged a shoulder,

"What else did he snort about" Eos glanced over at him as she pulled her robes down, Deimos really had made a mess of them. Laelaps had sat, making Lagos' bottom lip quiver at the sight of him,

"What do you mean" Kassandra asked. Eos sighed,

"Your brother". Lagos' eyes widened and Kass raised her brow at him, seems no matter how calm he acted with her, he was a snivelling wreck when it came to the champion they'd created,

"Don't worry Lagos" Eos said, "He's gone",


"Your family is safe Lagos. I promise you that" Kassandra told him again,

"He said he would cut off my sons fingers..." he said quietly,

"He has his ways" Eos shrugged. Kassandra glared at her, "what?",

"Can't you be more sensitive" Kassandra asked quietly,

"Were they hurt" Eos asked her, "in any way",

"No" Kassandra said, she crossed her arms,

"Exactly. There's a lot of things he would do Kassandra but, it's not hurt kids",

"Are you sure about that" Kassandra asked, a little too desperately Eos had thought but, this was not the moment to dive deeper in to it,

"I'm not saying he has a soft spot" Laelaps snorted, "He'll scare Hades out of them but, if he were to have brought you fingers, they probably would have been your wife's",

"Eos" Kassandra snapped,

"Maybe your serving girl. Not like you'd look at them to realise",

"I think it's time we leave" Kassandra said. "Lagos" she nodded her goodbye and he nodded his head back quickly.

Once out of the fort, Kassandra had shaken her head as Eos followed behind her.

"What happened to you" Kassandra asked, "there's only so many snorts and grunts you can listen to before your head hurts",

"Well..." Eos looked at the lycaon, shrugged a shoulder at him, "Archai was a little bit more eventful than we hoped. But Machaon is dead, Laelaps bit Kleon",

"Ohh. Was that what you were on about with all the snapping" Kassandra asked as she looked to him,

"Laelaps entered Zeus' temple" Eos tilted her head from side to side, "Bad idea" the lycaon snorted, "Zeus does not like that but" Eos shrugged, "We escaped. Hid out in a farm. I broke Exekias the Legends ankle",

"His ankle" Kassandra asked, not able to hide how impressed she was, she'd heard of that mercenary before, had thought that he was perhaps one of her sages. She was sure of it now.

"Yup" Eos sighed, shook her head, "Pyros lit the farm we were staying in on fire. Me and Laelaps got separated. Decided I'd be stupid and hang out in the fort. Got captured by mercenaries. Got... saved... sort of. Thought it was just so your brother could kill me but..." Eos shrugged, "somehow, I didn't. I don't know. Almost died again when you showed up. Then. Poof lycaon pops out of the ground",

Laelaps snorted.

He'd already told her that if she hadn't been so distracted, she could have escaped through the crack in the wall behind the crates.

"I get told to give up on my disastrous journey. And then, he tells me Pyros is dead, leaves and..." Eos sighed, "here we are".

Laelaps snorted again,

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