C35: The Price

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Deimos was stood, leaning on the bars, watching as Eos started to stir in the morning light behind them.

She would be awake soon. She'd be pissed and she'd want answers... answers that would only make her more determined to ruin what he was trying to give her - even if it didn't seem like all that much - even if he wasn't sure what he was trying to give her in the first place. He hadn't thought it through, the more he waited, the more he realised that.

But then, if he left her with nothing, but a locked room; if he left without a word, she'd only assume the very worse and... he couldn't do that to her. Not this time.

He didn't owe it to her, he didn't owe anything to anyone but...

Deimos banged his fist on the stone - this was stupid. He should have just left. She'd have no means of escape, the doors were too heavy even for her and, as long as she didn't manage to get her hands on the men outside, he knew they'd be more than enough to keep her here, to keep her safe... for now at least.

The men here, they weren't exactly the finest of Athenian stock but, they were loyal, trust-worthy and, terrified of him, which would help in them keeping their mouths shut.

"Really" Eos' voice was croaky, an ache in her throat as she pushed herself up, letting out a little yawn as she shook her head, trying to get her bearings. Deimos pushed away from the bars, folding his arms. "Are you with them too" Eos asked, looking around the room - this time, she had no idea where she was - she could see a closed door - most likely locked - that she was sure would lead to the outside, some mats on the floor, the cell door that Deimos was stood behind over to the side. It was almost like a luxurious prison cell Eos had thought. 

"What" Deimos asked, he turned his head a little, checking on some of the Athenian guards - who were keeping their distance - before he took a small step closer. 

The Demi-God wouldn't have to watch his step so much, not now - there was no chance of Kleon walking in on them and ruining it - but, he had to maintain the control he had on the situation. He knew what Eos was like, knew how she'd try and make him feel and... he couldn't let them happen... not right now... he had to tell her what was and then leave... simple as that.

"The Order" Eos said, she sat back on her feet. It looked like she was in some sort of sleeping quarters maybe. The mats on the floor weren't luxurious but, they were cushioned - there was a table with some things stacked on it, a huddle of blankets in the corner.

It was certainly not the empty room they'd been in earlier.

"No" Deimos said. Those were the last people he was going to hand her over to.

"So the cult decided I was too much trouble then" Eos suggested, she tilted her head as she stared off towards the locked door in front of her - the handle on this side had been yanked off - meaning the only way she'd be able to open it, if it were to be unlocked, was by prising it open from the inside. "Kleon wanted to make sure it wasn't me who shoved a dagger through his eye", she looked over at Deimos, her hand feeling around her waist, speaking of daggers, that was gone too - but, at least she had her robes back on, if anything.

"This isn't for them" Deimos said, his voice quiet as he took another step towards the cell door. He rested his hand on it, his fingers closing around the bars. 

Deimos had been lying to himself. She had so much courage, so much fight in her, he didn't know how much more of it he had in him, not with her.

"Then who's it for" Eos shrugged her shoulders. "You" she'd said quietly. Deimos had been about to answer but, he'd stopped. He'd wanted to lie but, he'd had enough of those. Eos watched him turn his head again, staring down at the floor as he closed her eyes, her heart sinking that little bit more. "Why even bother" Eos asked then.

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