C45: The Trap

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Whether or not the ex-Athenian statesman would make it out alive at the end of this endeavour he was aiming for, whatever Alkibiades had promised the King, it had allowed him to fall in with those held in Spartas high regards and, invertedly, gave Eos and the others an ear in to the more sordid affairs of the men at the top of Spartas foodchain.

Except, those sordid affairs weren't all that sordid and, it seemed that, with the death of Aesop, the Order really had lost any link between them and the Spartan king...

Alkibiades was also able to inform them that Aesop and that 'athenian' commander were big on using mercenaries to complete their dirty deeds and, that was who had most likely filled that camp. Oblivious idiots... still, maybe one of those idiots could give them a lead as to where Cyrus was.

As Eos was stood by the door of the house, looking out, she wondered if the Order thought them stupid enough to be lulled in to such a false sense of security... or, they'd only done it so the King would...

She knew they'd have to be planning something and, it was times like that she wished the others still here... Kallinos... he could figure out a scheme just as well as he could make one up.

Even after what had happened, after the taste in his mouth had grew sour and bitter at what Deimos had done to his friend that day in the serpents lair... Eos knew there would still have been a part of him who knew they were all better together than they were apart...

And sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder if she'd done things differently then... maybe Kallinos, maybe even Pyros, Akin, Asphodel, Melaina... they wouldn't have pushed away from each other and found comfort in something that would eventually destroy them... maybe only they could set their own paths and it was always going to happen.

She'd never know now...

And, reminding herself of Melaina, Eos wondered where it was she'd got too after trying to shake Alexios up... She'd seemingly abandoned the Order but, she'd put nothing passed her, especially after trying to make Alexios feel even worse than he already did...

'Brought together to say goodbye' - that's what she'd told him but... low and behold, they hadn't said goodbye to anyone else and, she didn't plan on it... Hell, Eos had to be honest with herself, he got on her nerves far more than she let on but, it didn't make her want him any less. He was terrible to try and talk to, his skull so thick, she wondered if anything got through most days but, she understood.

More than any of them...

Eos understood the fight he had going on inside... a fight he may never win but, one she knew he'd keep fighting if they gave him the opportunity too...

Eos looked down, towards the bump that was showing beneath her robes. It wouldn't be long until this was all made even more complicated and, he could make as many promises as he wanted but, she still had no idea how he would react when a screaming baby was lay in front of him...

Hell, just the thought of it being lay in front of her made her feel sick... 

And then it was the much added fear that her body just wouldn't be able to take it... Hippokrates wouldn't say it but, there was always that chance, wasn't it...

Eos put her hand  on her stomach,

"Please don't hate me" she said. There was no gurgle, no flutter, no little kick, she sometimes wondered if they'd be just as broody and moody as their father.

"Eos" it was Natakas, his face covered with the tower of what looked like armour he was holding, or, struggling with. Eos stepped aside as he came inside,

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