C48: The Herald

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If it had not been for Phobos slowing down, Kassandra may have run straight in to them.

It had to have been an ambush of sorts, even if the men were spread thin...

Even if it wasn't, after what had happened, the Persian masks they wore gave Kassandra more than enough reason to ambush them instead. The slow, quiet killings soon turned in to the usual, slightly more chaotic bloodbath she was known for...

Kassandra had let the last of the Persian men fall from her spear when she felt someone stood behind her.

She turned swiftly, pulling her bow over her shoulder, an arrow being pulled back as she met with a bald, bearded man.

He was alone, dressed in nothing more than a robe and a hood, which he pulled down before he put his hands up,

"I am not here to start a fight" he said,

"Something tells me you are" Kassandra said, she didn't recognise him but, she had a feeling he wouldn't take long to introduce himself.

"I come with a message" the man said,

"You don't look like a courier" Kassandra told him,

"That is because I am not. I much prefer to be known as Gergis, the last Maji of the Order, perhaps the Herald even", he was softly spoken, sure of himself, of his words, he started to walk, as if he was circling the make-shift battle ground with Kassandra,

"What do you want" Kassandra asked - if he had reason enough to risk his life, it was obviously important.

"I am here to tell you that Amorges does not wish his..." Kassandra couldn't tell if the hesitation came from annoyance or not, "daughter dead",

"She is not his daughter" Kassandra spat, "fathers do not-"

"A technicality" Gergis said, he gestured it away, he could not care less for that, "he hopes she is in good health" it was a question, they didn't know... "he does not want to take her forcefully, he never has... he hopes that with something more, she may see what it is stands in front of her..." he smiled,

"Get to the point", Kassandra said, she'd heard it all from Eos,

"That is the point Kassandra... Amorges will wait until she comes to him. no more" Gergis shrugged a shoulder, "opportune meetings..."

"If Eos is hurt, if that baby-", he interrupted her again,

"I'm sure your Gods will decide that..." he sounded sceptical, "I must be honest... she has been far too much of a distraction to our cause... I'll be glad when that's over, although... I do not think Amorges knows the scape of the promises he has made, of what may happen if he does not keep them",

"Promises? What promises", Kassandra asked,

"That does not matter right now... " Gergis looked down at the man by his feet, "oh, how I've awaited the day I could meet the great Eagle-Bearer",

"The feelings not mutual" Kassandra assured him,

"I concluded that myself" he said, "now" he stopped only a few feet away from her, "can we have a respectful conversation without you aiming an arrow at my head",

"No" kassandra told him,

"I should have expected as much..." Gergis put his hands together, "you know, I've followed you from the very beginning. I've written quite a bit about you actually. In fact, some of my most popular works is about the Eagle-Bearer", he smiled, "and, of course, I've heard of many tales from our friends",

"The Cult" Kassandra asked, "I didn't think they made friends",

"Allies then, if you prefer" Gergis looked  to another man, pushing him over with his foot, a cultist mask on his face instead of a Persian one. Kassandra hadn't noticed. "You must wonder why we hunt you" Gergis said,

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