C44: The Puppet

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Eos stopped for a moment and took a breath. 

He'd been right - there was no way she'd be able to crawl through a window but, whether this was going to be one of her good ideas or not, she had to try...

Even if the King - and Sparta - had indeed fell in with the Order; she felt as if, this way, there would be far, far less bother if he hadn't, especially if Kassandra had walked in to the throne room and accused him of it. 'Accused' may have been a strong word but, Kassandra wasn't subtle and, the last thing they needed was to drive a wedge between them - something she was sure the Order was hoping on.

Amorges and his followers had a knack for trying to make you feel alone and helpless.

Carrying on the path to the house she guessed had to be his - when he wasn't sitting on his throne - Eos wondered if they could make Archidamos their own kind of puppet.

But then, even the thought of the stubborn old man, rooted in the past, in tradition, being a puppet for the Order was beyond her. He was not someone who would let other men control him like the cult, or the Order would want. He was his own man, a peaceful man at the best of the times and, one who wanted the war to end...

Eos had also wondered if the Order knew of the 'history' she and Archidamos had, it was nothing significant but, the old King did have an interest in what she had to say and, it may have been the one thing the Order hadn't considered.

Although, puppet or not, the King had already proved with Pausanias that, a man like Cyrus, could easily befreind him and feed off of the control a King could give.

Which made it all the more important that she talked to him alone, and why she was now spying through the windows of a house she was sure had to be his.

Surprisingly, getting here had been easier than she thought it would be... She had spied a man watching the ship as she'd left but, a quick shuffle of her leg and he'd hit his head and, unfortunately, knocked himself out. She'd checked him over, finding no face she recognised and nothing that could tell her who he was so, she left him sat up against a wall, a drunk man to anyone else who would have walked passed.

Although, waiting for that moment to actually leave the ship, had been the most nerve-racking. Alexios had mentioned going to the blacksmith for something or another but, he seemed to have left it to the last minute - as if he knew what she was going to do - and, she knew he'd be upset and worried but... Darius had mentioned that all the worry in the world did not equate to the worry a parent would feel for their child so, if they ever got that far, she felt like he needed the practice.

Which, the more she thought about it, it was just stupid... Alexios wasn't your average person and, neither was she...

Pushing away the thought of when the siblings would finally make their appearance - because she was sure it wouldn't take them long, Eos scouted around the house. There were no more or no less guards than you'd expect and, considering the Orders losses, thanks to Kassandra, and themselves, she hadn't expected anything less. Finding a lit window - and a crowned shadow beyond it, she knew she was in the right place.

The window of which she knew she'd have no chance in getting herself threw easily - and she was sure that attempt would not have lived up to Hippokrates hopes that she would take it easy so, it meant that one of the guarded doors was her only option.

Except, the only one that wasn't guarded at this exact moment - and only because the guard paced back and forth - was up on the balcony. His route wasn't a particularly long one but, he did stop to look down the stairs for a small while before turning back around. The time in which Eos knew she could get through the door unseen if she could build up the confidence to just go for it.

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