C41: The Goodbye

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"Kassandra, do you think this is wise" Darius asked,

"You're the one who said there were more prisoners, remember", Kassandra said. Hell, if the old man hadn't said anything, maybe Glaukso would have died, left alone to starve or bleed out in the cave and Eos, well, Polemon perhaps would have squeezed hard enough to kill her.

"Yes but" Darius glanced over at Eos - she didn't look at him, still staring in to the flames, she knew what he was thinking - she couldn't be trusted. She wondered if maybe he even knew - what she was, who she was - "Their obviously of some importants to them, they could-",

"So are we" Natakas put in, he stood up from the fire, "we pose just as much of a threat as they do - as Kassandra does",

"Except we know why their after us" Darius said, he turned to Eos, "what do they want with you". Eos didn't reply, she didn't think she owed him an answer. Darius turned back to Kassandra "are you sure we can trus-",

"You, of all people" Alexios said, "have no right to question any ones trust".

Kassandra shrugged a shoulder when he looked back at him, "I would trust Eos with my life" Kassandra told him, "that enough for you". Darius looked to Eos a moment more, the girl finally meeting his eye.

The old man had expected some loathing - if what he'd been told about her was true, it was that she was stubborn, hot-headed and, her track record led her only to be a liability but, all he saw was sadness.

It had been just hours since they'd escaped and, she hadn't said a word... Not since she'd told Kassandra that the chaos would follow them.

That Glaukos on the other hand, hadn't stopped moaning since they'd got there. None of them could blame him though, his leg was so mangled now, they were all surprised that the pain hadn't killed him.

By noon, they'd returned to the small house they'd stayed in whilst fighting against the Tempest, overlooking the village of Dyne and, as much as she hadn't wanted to, Kassandra had gone in search of Hippokrates. She knew where he'd be. She'd had word that he'd gone to Elis, to help some Olympian with a rotten foot. She only hoped that Glaukos could wait that long.

And Eos... Kassandra would have asked her to come with her but, she was so shaky, so pale, she needed to rest and, her brother, her brother had no clue what to do but, Kassandra didn't think separating her from him again would have done either of them much good - especially him..

He'd wanted her back so badly but, he didn't know what he'd do when he did... Even less now.

There was something more than the lie Melaina had told them. Eos could get over that, Kassandra was sure of it but, there was something else now. Something that made her want to start a sentence but then... stop.

Something that made her want to avoid Alexios gaze at every moment - and Kassandra could see how it was killing him inside... How it made him only stand and gaze at her from afar.

"All she knew was Deimos" Alexios said as he joined his sister, his eyes having not left Eos that whole night, "I'm not..." Alexios wasn't sure what he was...

Deimos had, had a destiny, a purpose - however much of a lie it was - and, Alexios only had a lust for violence, and death. that now, he was trying so hard to quell, to not let take over him...

"She once told me we were fighting for different people" Kassandra said, "that she was not fighting for Alexios but, for Deimos. Except, it wasn't the one the world knew" Kassandra smiled, "she was fighting for the one that could make her smile, could drag her up from her lows... The one she trusted more than any other person in the world" Kassandra smiled but, it only made Alexios sad...

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