C26: The Traitor

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Lying down on the rocks, Eos and Laelaps watched as Kleon turned and walked towards the Athenian ship.

Like before, Pyros was nowhere to be seen and, the politician had turned back to look at the coast, his hands on his hips.

"Pyros must be here somewhere Laelaps" Eos glanced over to him and the lycaon snorted, "I know". Eos took a deep breath and pulled up her hood, "We need to find him before Kleon does".


Deimos looked at Lagos' wife, caged and crying. He had to hand it to himself, this was a good little spot in which to keep them hidden. To keep them from the prying eyes of Lagos' mercenaries. 

Although, there was the one problem of a couple of the guards having taken Lagos' serving girl for themselves. Deimos did not mind them having their fun but, he would make sure personally that the girl was returned once the fun had been had. They did not need any excuses for what they had to be compromised. And, if the serving girl could not keep her mouth shut, Deimos would give Lagos her head as a gift.

Leaving them to it, Deimos made his way to Fort Samikon, finding Lagos talking with some mercenaries who left as he walked in. 

"Bounties aplenty" Deimos asked; Lagos had flinched, jumping almost a foot from the ground. "Do calm down Lagos" Deimos had overheard them speaking of only his sister, of which at the moment, he cared very little for. "I've brought you something". Lagos turned his head to him, his bottom lip shaking. 

Deimos reached in to the sack he held and threw the decapitated head at the mans feet. Lagos cried out, covering his face, refusing to look - to see the head of his wife, or his son. Deimos raised a brow as he took a small step back, he smiled, "If you feel I have need of giving you your sons head, please do tell me why that is Lagos".

Lagos uncovered his face slowly, looking down at the head of a man with a scarred cheek.

"The... the slave" Lagos said quietly, he would have been relieved had he not been looking at a bloody head

"And" Deimos threw another head, making Lagos flinch again,

"What..." Lagos looked from the masters head back to Deimos,

"It seems our friend was planning on taking a trip to Messara" Deimos took a step forward and looked down at him, "To see his brother. I obviously do not understand the want between siblings" Deimos looked up at Lagos and smiled.

"But... he... he would not" Lagos looked back to the head,

"Traitors" Deimos told him, "They will always get what is coming to them".


Keeping their distance, Eos and Laelaps had followed Kleon to Pellene, the politician pulling a cloak over himself to disguise the Athenian colours he wore. 

As of yet, Laelaps had been able to assure Eos that, apart from the guards that Kleon had surrounding him, clothed in robes with their swords hidden beneath their cloaks, there was no sign of a Demi-god - or a flame - which was worrying Kleon just as much as it was Eos.

"No sign at all" Eos asked again, looking to Laelaps as Kleon stopped by the stables nearest the tavern. As off putting as the smell was, Laelaps knew of it now, he knew what to relate it to. Still though, Laelaps had nothing. Eos sighed and turned herself as Kleon looked to where she stood, annoyed - flustered even - by Pyros absence. Laelaps grunted and Eos shrugged a shoulder, looking towards the smelters sat all in a row - Pellene, as poor as the people were on that coast, had been the first to join Sparta in the war. 

"I know it does not mean anything Laelaps" Eos told him, "But it means something".

The lycaon grunted again, she sighed,

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