C 24: The Conqueror

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Chapter 24 - The Conqueror

Dropping Nesais greaves and Aristaios breastplate at the feet of the Spartan commander, Eos had not got much more than a grunt from the man she'd just killed champions for. She thought that perhaps if she'd thrown Nikolaus' head at his feet, she would have got a better response but, it was unfortunately still attached to his pitiful shoulders and, to escape the situation, Eos walked back over to the small fire she'd built on the out skirts of the camp. Only to find it had been soaked and, she was sure, pissed on.

Sitting back, she'd watched Laelaps lie between the brush. He was still wary about the camp, about its people but, he was also feeling queasy from his boat ride - which had been a lot more turbulent on their way back.

Kassandra was also not back yet and, with the other Spartans giving her a wide birth, she considered just bedding down for the rest of the day, her job was done. Except, Laelaps had whined from his place in the bush and, she remembered she'd promised to ask who had passed on the information to the Spartans about those champions. Reluctantly, Eos got to her feet to go and talk to the Spartan commander again.

"Stentor" she said, getting no response from the man as he leaned over his map, the two pieces representing the Boetian champions Eos was asked to take care of, were on the floor - stamped in to the dirt.

Eos stood next to him, making the man flinch sideways,

"What do you want" he demanded,

"I just want to know how you came to know about your four mercenaries" Eos said,

"What is it to you" he asked,

"That remains to be seen" Eos said, she pushed over the other two champions Kassandra had been sent to handle. There was no doubt that Kassandra would return victorious. The only reason she wasn't back yet was because Demeira was a bit further away. "Come on Stentor, I killed two mercenaries and a bear for you, least you can tell me is how you knew where they were",

"Well, if you must know" he pushed up the other two champion pieces back in to position, "We have intelligence from the inside" Stentor said,

"A spy" Eos asked, "You really are desperate" she added quietly enough for only him to here,

"I am doing-",

"I don't care. Whose your spy. What's their name" Eos asked,

"I hardly think that's important" Stentor told her,

"Oh it is, now, are you going to tell me or... Am I gonna make you scream like a little girl in front of your men".

Stentors face twisted and he took a step back, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword,

"I read that scroll. There was no mention of another mercenary... Who are you" Stentor said,

"I never said I was a mercenary and I'm sure as hell not here to help you",

"Then why are you here" he asked. Eos wanted to tell him that she was here to stick that spear behind him up his ass but, in that moment, a pair of boots and a helmet was thrown at their feet.

"Your champions are dead" Kassandra informed them. Eos smirked at Stentor and then, again, she knocked over the two pieces that represented the dead champions.

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