C39: The Wait

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"I named you, you know" Amorges said, remembering those early days more fondly than she'd ever seen him fond of anything. He was so content when he spoke of them, it was almost beautiful... And so very, very simple...

However, Eos wasn't really listening, not really. She was trying not to be sick... The words only registering a few moments after they'd been said.

"After the Goddess of the dawn" he held his hands out to the night sky as it slowly turned to morning. They were in that same spot as before, the one that overlooked the volcano - that had Athens off in to the distance.

Oh, what Eos would do for some vegetables stew cooked by Alkibiades kitchen girl...

"Who I couldn't be anymore different too" Eos had said as she'd put her head down - in hopes that it would make the contents of her stomach go backwards, somehow... Honestly, she'd rather him just get on with whatever inspiring moral or comment or, whatever it was he wanted to tell her today - perhaps even ask her again if she would join the order - so that she could say no - and then, he'd be able to whittle a little about all the chaos that consumed her and then, send her back - back to some ruins and a bed made of hay but, at least it was quiet.

"Beautiful, mysterious, fierce, the bringer of light" he'd been going on about this Goddess for a while but, Eos only caught the end. He sounded so proud of himself but, he seemed to have forgot what else the Goddess had been said to be.

"Who abducted men and was never truly satisified" Eos shrugged, "mighty fine Goddess to live up to" Eos told him, "and, I guess the unsatisfied bit I can agree with too" - she'd never been much satisfied with anything in her life, spare a couple of people and a lycaon, perhaps it was one of the reasons she ended up here.

"Did you know, I found one of her shrines once" Amorges sighed, "it was beautiful, the dawn of a new day encased in stone",

"I'm sure it was" Eos pinched the bridge of her nose as she put her head back up, squeezing her eyes shut. Now she had a headache - whether from him or the baby, she wasn't sure.

"You know, your mother-"

"My mother" Eos snorted and sat back "whoever that stupid Athenian bitch is, that is not a title she deserves". Amorges sighed, ever so disappointed,

"She only ever wanted order... she just... surrounded herself with the wrong people... with those who, with the power of order, was too much for them...",

"Are you insinuating that she's a victim" Eos asked, she lay her head back on the tree she was sat up against - she didn't care about who she was, not really. Honestly, Eos had never cared for who her parents were, never really mourned for them.

She'd held some resentment, a little bit more now than before, considering her parents were a whole part of the world that had caused the terrible things to happen to her and the people she loved but, not enough to find them, to prove herself to them...

She didn't know why... perhaps it was just how she coped... She'd had her brother for a time, that had helped... Then, she'd had Laelaps and... she hadn't needed them. Hadn't wanted them.

It was what set her and Deimos apart. Eos had made peace with what had happened but Deimos, Deimos had been thrown off a cliff and left to die - or so he'd been told... And then, the cult had tortured him, far more than any of the others, had turned him in to a monster and, it'd only made him hate himself... Hate the people who'd caused it...

"A victim of-".

"My kind of victim and your kind are two completely different things" Eos said. "Mine involve the innocent people who die because men and women think themselves better than everyone else" she shook her head and closed her eyes, "and yours are those that run away from their responsibilities and allow their babies to turn in to monsters",

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