C30: The Conquest

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"Are you sure you are up for this" Kassandra said as Barnabas helped Eos put on one of the many breast plates that Kassandra had in the trunk of her ship,

"How many times have you asked me that now" Eos said as she pulled at a strap and Barnabas took a step back, making sure it fitted right.

"My brother will be there" Kassandra said,

"I know" Eos said, "I've faced him more times than you have, remember" she looked over at the lycaon, the glare she gave stopping the snort he was about to give before he'd given it, "and I know" she looked back to Kassandra, "that it doesn't really count for much considering the circumstances but...",

'Stay out of my way'

Thats what he'd told her.

Hell, that's what he'd told his sister that time in Athens...

"I'll try and stay out of his way" Eos said quietly,

"Eos, if you die" Kassandra put her hand on her head,

"What do I do if you die" Eos asked her as she sat on the steps, "who else would want him to save him then".

Because, no one else would.

"Eos" Kassandra sighed and gestured at Barnabas to take the helm. She sat on the top step and put her hand on her shoulder, "just promise me you won't-",

"Decide that I want to be Sparta's hero" Eos snorted, "Kass, I'm not stupid. I know I can't take him. Not like that".

Eos knew she could hold her own for a little while, maybe even dodge most of his attacks, she knew how he fought, how he swung his sword but, she knew it'd only make him angry. Make him reckless. More reckless.

And, after having thought about it that little bit more, it was a position she didn't want to put him in.

Unless he came after her.


"Look at all that smoke" Barnabas said, "That battlefield is on fire",

"Where are all those Spartan reinforcements" Eos asked. There were only two Spartan ships parked up on the beach. Around three Athenian ships floating in the water nearby, a man or two patrolling them by the looks of it.

"Seems we're the only ones coming" Kassandra shrugged. Eos leaned over the side, a want to look in to the water,

"Actually, seems we are the only ones who made it past" the red of the Spartans sails were still drowning beneath them. "Be careful out there" Eos said to Laelaps as he shook himself a little, preparing himself for the ship to dock, "if any of them come near you with that spear" even though the lycaon had cackled at the thought of it being able to kill him, "just run",

"Did you not tell him that last time" Kassandra asked,

"I'm hoping he learned his lesson", Laelaps snorted at her.


"You, take me to Brasidas" Kassandra had wasted no time as they came to the beach. Eos was a step behind her, the lycaon going and sitting in between the tents as the rest of the Spartan men talked in small groups,

"What do you want with him" the Spartan had asked, his hands behinds his back,

"We fought together" Kassandra told him,

"A friend" the Spartan asked,

"Yes... and a friend to Sparta. Now, take us to him" Kassandra said, the Spartan looked to Eos and then, looked past her to find the lycaon.

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