C22: The Olympian

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Once again accompanied by his skinny Athenian hoplite - who had not done much else other than wine and dine himself in Deimos' absence and, seemed to have forgotten his manners - Deimos and a small group of men, who were the sort that flinched just at the thought of him, had ridden towards Arkadia.

Kleon had informed him that an Athenian captain would be awaiting his arrival and, would update him further on what it was he wanted him to do.

Most of it would just be quick assassination jobs, lowering the forces defences, burning supplies and, laying waist to a few spartan soldiers.

All things he was good at but, also things any other mercenary would do if they were willing to pay - which meant Kleon wanted to keep an eye on him.

He could have told him to do it himself but, that would have arose too much suspicion and, for now, he was glad to have Eos all to himself.

Even if Melos had been a mess.

Now though, looking back, it only made him angry.

He wasn't even sure that he could convince himself anymore is that it was what he needed, just the once because, he hadn't needed that sort of escape since she'd gone, he hadn't wanted it.

Not with anyone.

And then, he'd let her go and, she and the damn mutt had killed Sokos and taken his ship.

Not to mention that she hadn't cleaned up after herself.

She'd let the whole of the ratty little crew go and, when he'd found some of that crew, they'd held no words back in claiming that it wasn't them. That a girl and a large black wolf had killed their captain and taken the ship for herself.

The old man, who Deimos had found at the Smugglers port, had the name Kosmo on the tip of his tongue before Deimos had thrown him in to the wall of his house and then, proceeded to stick his head under the water until he stopped writhing around.

He'd also made sure to get the old man's wife too.

Deimos sighed.

Eos had always been so good at covering her tracks before, leaving no trace of herself. Fort Phyle had been a demonstration of that, even the death of Midas and the Master would have been untraceable...

Hell, if Laelaps had not led him to her, if Melaina had not said that she was in Melos, he never would have went. He never would have found her.

But now, he didn't know what had happened to her. Whether she'd learned to give mercy or show some compassion, with Eos having not been much for any of them before, it would get her killed.

Melaina had warned her of the downward spiral Eos would find herself in. So, why had he really felt the need to go. He should have just left her. If she was so desperate to be different, what the hell was he trying to do.

He didn't need her. Not anymore.

Someone else could kill her.

It didn't need to be him.

Deimos looked to the road, to the men in front of him - to the company he had the pleasure of entertaining for the following weeks to come.

He would have rather just gone on his own.

Not to mention that his hoplite had told him his mare had died whilst he'd been away, that the brilliant, courageous blue horse had spooked and bolted, getting herself attacked by a bear that the hoplite swore blind he had tried to fight of.

But. So as not to give Kleon the pleasure of the 'softness' he'd accused him of, he'd shrugged it away, telling the hoplite he would have his instead.

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