C20: The Moments

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Deimos stood by the door for longer than he should have.

The whole reason he came here was to...

Kill her.

It was the only outcome that made sense...

Deimos turned his head slightly, an unnerving feeling washing over him, a feeling of being watched by some beady yellow eyes.

Perhaps it was a trap. Perhaps the moment he stepped through, he'd be attacked. His sister had just won the battle of a hundred hands - Drakion and his guard were stupid to think that they'd be able to beat her down and, much to Sokos displeasure, were probably already dead. Perhaps she was behind the door.

Except... what if something worse was behind it...

What if he was too late...

What if he'd missed the body in the pile of those left unclaimed...

No... he'd know...

Deimos turned his head back to the door.

Whatever it was, he could take it.

And then, once it was done - once it was finished - these thoughts would leave him be and, he'd be able to continue on his path.

Deimos pushed at the door gently... it opened... the latch had wasted away in it's years of misuse.

He waited, listened... At first, he thought there was nothing inside but then, he heard the soft, light tone of someone asleep, of the shallow breaths that took a hold of them as they dreamt... Deimos stepped in, that feeling of unease slipping away as the lycaon 'vanished' back in to the night. Deimos had looked over his shoulder once more, raising a brow at the lycaon who was sat in the dark, staring at something he'd found on the ground.

As soon as he made the move, it'd be on him.

Perhaps it was just playing with him too...

Deimos looked over at the body, wrapped in sheets and a light sleep.


Deimos found the flickering candle on the desk, a bag, it's contents splayed all over the floor... He tilted his head, it didn't look like it belonged to Eos - maybe Akin... He stepped over to the desk, pushing the door gently shut behind him. He'd waited a moment - just to see if the lycaon would come but, all was quiet. Deimos brushed his fingers against a small white pouch that sat on the table. It felt like some sort of rock inside. He picked it up but then, he realised that the room had gone silent. The breathing had stopped.

Eos was awake.

And, one of two things could happen.

She'd launch herself at him, a dagger - which she slept with under her pillow - in her hand or, she'd make a run for it.

She'd never been much for running though.

Also, Eos had hesitated, had felt the dread rise up from the bottom of her stomach.

Out of all the places he could have come to, how did he know she was here. He hadn't known where Akin was. And, there was no way in hades that Drakion had sent word to him so soon.

That hesitation cost her. There was no time to run and, as she reached for her dagger, Deimos had grabbed her by the wrists, pulling her on to her feet.

"Well, isn't this a surprise " he said quietly, their faces was so close, she could feel his breath on her cheek. Eos let the dagger drop from her hand, and Deimos let go of her wrists and she dropped to her knees, making even Deimos flinch a little as he grabbed for the dagger on the floor.

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