C19: The Warrior

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It had taken Eos almost all day to get to the other side of the harbour but, finally, the champions peak was in sight.

As always, sentries were placed all around the battle ground - ensuring no one decided to back out at the last minute. Fortunately, the sentries did not think anyone stupid enough to sneak in so, as the sun started to set, she slipped over the ash aired hills and, in to the gluts of bloody battle.

Or, what had been.

As expected, the first twenty-five or so hands had fallen within the first few hours which, would cause more hassle for Eos than it would benefit her.

Yes, they were more spread out and, less likely to sneak up on her but, it meant that Akin would be harder to find and, the ones who were left, were far more likely to be the more deadly counterparts.

A fight did not scare Eos in any way, most of these contestants would have nothing on the likes of trained warriors but, she'd promised Laelaps she'd be careful and, her left arm wasn't as great at throwing daggers as her right and, a bow, which she had strung to her back, would probably do more damage if she whacked someone with it.

Still, Barnabas, always the mother hen, had equipped her with some of Kassandra's old armour. The first was a gold chest piece; a little too big but sturdy. Barnabas had told her that it had once belonged to the great Perilles - which Eos, and Herodotus (as much as he tried) did not think that he saw the irony in - some mismatched greaves and, a leather belt.

Pulling her hood up, Eos traversed a small hill that overlooked the starting point and, the cave that she knew Akin had a love for.

And, her first contestant.

They'd positioned themselves up high, planning to pick off those from below. She didn't really want to effect the fight in any way. If she could leave them be, she would but, the archer - who had heard her approach in the coming darkness - Eos had forgotten to change her movements in line with the heavy chest that she wore - and, the man had turned, an arrow narrowly missing her before she threw a small knife at him as he pulled over another. The knife caught the man in the side of the throat, making him flail and hold his hands to the wound but, it hadn't stopped the second arrow from coming for her. The direction was off and, it slammed in to the side of the chest plate instead.

And, her whole body shook - she'd forgotten the novelty of over-sized armours ability to shake you like a bell - and, she grabbed at the dent the arrow had left, could even feel the bruise already forming below. She was already considering taking it off but, then she'd have to explain to Kassandra why some over-paid soldier was walking around in her armour once the battle ended.

Putting the man out of his misery - he would have bled to death anyway - Eos took his spot.

Night finally fell and, some settled themselves down for the night but, others took it is an opportunity to move more freely.

And, if Laelaps had taught her anything - armoured or not - it was how to move at night, to take her time, to pace her steps in line with the noises night brought with it, to stay completely silent.

Usually though, the lycaon would be by the side of her, nudging her back in to the right stance or, nipping at her for making a noise.

It was honestly times like these that Eos remembered how much she relied on him.

She could sneak up on almost anyone, stab them in their beds or, even pass by them completely unnoticed but, that wasn't the cults training - Deimos and Akin were their masterpieces - that was spending time with a creature that used the shadows to go about his business. A creature who learned he could have a much easier life bypassing annoying people instead of trying to eat them. Although he still found the later quite fun.

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