C23: The Run-Away

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Spoiler warning: Just so you are all aware, the DLC Legacy of the First Blade Episode one is sort of mentioned in this chapter. If anything, it is only the concept that is spoken about and, no spoilers of specific characters involved, events that unfold or choices that need to be made. 'Events' mentioned have also been altered to fit in with this story.

"The order of what" Eos sat down on the ships steps, watching as Laelaps stared at the crew, trying to will them in to flinching.

"The Order of Ancients" Kassandra told her,

"Persians" Eos asked. She tilted her head, about ready to throw something at the lycaon if he decided to nip at any of the semi-unsuspecting crew,

"Yeah" Kassandra looked over with her,

"Well" Eos leaned back, laying her head on her shoulder, "I guess there always has to be something".

"I found a letter on one of them" Kassandra pulled something from her pockets, "they were employed with trying to find someone. A baby that was taken from them a long time ago" Kassandra said,

"Asphodel was a Persian" Eos said, "Given to the cult because Persia failed" she shrugged, "Or something like that" she looked up at Kassandra, "Do you think they know she's gone",

"Not as far as I know" Kassandra folded her arms and looked to the front of the ship, at the waves crashing against them, they had Archai to their right and Phokis to their left, "I don't think them and the cult are on talking terms",

"Never know" Eos looked back at Laelaps, "Might destroy each other and save you the trouble",

"Chance would be a fine thing" Kassandra smiled, "Will not be many left for them to deal with though",

"Good to hear" Eos said before reaching in to her own robes. Eos pulled out the small note about the Octopus she'd got from Sokos - along with the artefact fragment she'd found in his pocket. If she was honest with herself, she hadn't exactly been looting them but, both Midas and the Master would have been lost to her anyway. Deimos had taken her dagger, no doubt he would have taken them too had she had them.

"You said we were going to Boetia" Eos said,


"What's in Boetia" Eos asked,

"The Spartans are trying to secure the area" Kassandra told her, "The King asked me to help them out",

"But what do you get out of it" Eos asked,

"An audience with the Kings" Kassandra told her, "And, hopefully enough evidence to proclaim one of them a cultist",

"Do you have any other leads" Eos asked,

"There is a cultist in Arkadia. Lagos" Kassandra told her, "I think he's working under his say",

"Lagos? I've not heard that name" Eos said; she saw the lycaon turn his head to her; neither had he.

"From what Brasidas has told me" Eos raised a brow, she'd not heard that name either, "He's a good man" Kassandra shrugged, "He wants me to spare him. To give him a chance. My mater thinks differently" - and, from Kassandra's tone, so did she - which made Eos snort all the more, trying her hardest not to laugh,

"Kassandra. If you cannot convince a 'good' man out of the cult. How are you going to convince your brother".


"How is it, a boy like Pyros managed to slay a lycaon" Deimos asked, watching the commander as he held the lycaons skull up for the other men to see, "Why even waste the time",

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