C13: The Prisoner

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It was almost like Phokis all over again...

The room had been small and dark, a window - too small to squeeze herself through and, a wooden door, a crack of light coming in through the bottom.

The worst thing. Eos couldn't be sure it wasn't. Not yet.

She'd woke up in the cold, lying on a thin but, lpy mattress and, everything hurt...

Except her head which, amongst the dark, had felt clear and a fresh - which only made thinking the worse all that easier.

Her shoulder also stung like a bitch and, her legs were so stiff that, just moving them a little made them ache.

She had to get up though, wherever Deimos had left her, she had to at least try and get out.

Pushing herself up, she'd gritted her teeth, her arms shaking as she sat up.

The room almost seemed that little clearer now, the draft was coming from the window, along with a meagre line of moonlight that showed her that she and her mattress, was the only obstacle in her empty room.

Getting to her feet had been even harder. Letting out a little whimper as she stumbled towards the window, Eos had grabbed at it so as not to fallfall, only to collide with the wall.

She let herself slip down it, leaning her head on the wall and taking a deep breath.

Even that made her shoulder hurt.

Letting the pain subside for a moment, Eos had looked up at the window, she felt like she was up high – really high. And her shoulder, that felt like it was broken. She had to strap it somehow. She still had her trackers cloak on but, she didn't know how she could do it herself.

However, her leather belt, her dagger, her notes, it was gone.

It was as if she was back at square one again.

Except this time, Laelaps was nowhere in sight.

Again, Eos pulled herself to her feet, looking out of the window and down on to the dwellings below. She didn't even know where she was – she was sure it wasn't Phokis - which only made her feel all the more worse. Turning around, wondering whether or not she'd been left to die, she'd rested her head on the wall, considering the likelihood of squeezing herself through the window and most-likely, falling to her death – so as to not give the cult pleasure – when, the door unlocked.

Freezing, she'd heard a few mumbled voices behind the door before it creaked open slowly, as if someone was about to peak in. Eos had the want to move, to hide herself in the shadows but then, something – or someone – was pushed and the door swung open, slamming in to the wall and allowing Deimos to walk in, a look of thunder on his face as he strode towards her, his hand out.

Eos grabbed at it just as he went for her neck, attempting to kick out of him but Deimos shoved her in to the wall, one hand gripped around her neck and the other resting on the wall next to her head. Eos felt herself slip again but he gripped tighter and pulled her up, rolling his eyes as if she'd disappointed him. In a last ditch-attempt, Eos grabbed at his hand, trying to prise his fingers off but, it only made him grip tighter,

"Deimos" she managed to get out before he closed his eyes and shoved her again,

"Answer me something first" he growled,

"Okay... okay" Eos said, she let her hands fall, a shuddering pain wretching through her as she took a deep breath. She was hoping Deimos' grip would have loosened but, his small glance back at the now closed door only made him angrier.

The Children // ASSASSINS CREED ODYSSEY // DEIMOSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن