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*Amaya's POV*

"Look where you're going loser ! This jacket cost more than your house ! " the famous Logan Delgada yells at yet another one of his innocent victims.

His little tantrums has become worse and a LOT more frequent since his father cut him out the family fortune and left , though he won't admit it to anyone or show it for that matter. So instead WE have to bite the bullet.

He's one of those typical super popular, rich jocks that thinks the world revolves around him. He walks around like he owns the place . Like he's a gift to the world or something , while the rest of us has to work our behind off just to get a foot in the door somewhere. Sometimes life feels unfair. But then I remember that God is a fair God and sometimes a little trial is simply just to prove to yourself how strong you REALLY are.

"What are you looking at , freak . " he says as he shoves his way past me. Typical Logan move.

"Water of a ducks back Amaya , water of a ducks back ." I remind myself while walking to my car.

This wasn't the first time I've been tormented by him and trust me , surely not the last. But , in time I've learnt it means absolutely NOTHING by retaliating. Infact , it just makes it worse .

*drops in the ocean , plays *

"Hello ? Hey dad! Yup , 7 . Okay . You too , bye ."

My dad's the pastor of Hope Ministries and I'm the youth leader, well , sort of . I just fill in when one of our youth leaders can't make it or something . I'm kind of like a ... temp you can say , only wayyyy more unqualified .

I prefer to attend youth rather than teach it . It's not that I don't have the knowledge , opportunity or anything it's just a lot harder to 'work' under your parents. I just don't wanna disappoint them you know ?

But I only help out when there is absolutely ,positively NO other way. I'm kind of the plan Z . But I don't mind it , infact I appreciate it.

I unlock the front door , kicking my shoes off before heading to the kitchen for some lunch.

"Have a double shift tonight, enjoy the fresh croissants sweetie ♡ love , Mom xxx" I read the sticky note next to my lunch.

My mom's a doctor, a pediatrician, which means she has to work late a lot so most of the time it's just my dad and I . Through the week he's an architect and on the weekend a pastor , so their lives are always fast paced and busy. Yet somehow , they always manage to make enough time for me and I never feel alone or neglected .

I munch on my croissant while I scrolled through my Instagram , seeing all the pictures Logan posted of the things he bought with his 'therapy money' . Why do people always have to brag about their  money ? And why show it to everyone ? I never understood that part.

Being in a good financial situation is supposed to be a blessing and you should use it to bless others as well, but it's times like these when I see pictures of him in every sports car imaginable, that I wonder if he didn't rob a bank or something cause he sure knows how to waste money.

Deciding that I've had enough Logan to handle for one day, I head upstairs to start on my homework before youth tonight.

"And so we should remember to love others as God loves us . The same love that he has sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. I know it's hard to give out love when all you receive is hate sometimes. But as Jentezen Franklin said ; you got to love like you've never been hurt before. That's it. I'll see you guys at the next one. Have a nice night . " I said as I walked down the steps , seeing Savannah walking towards me.

"That was so good !" She exclaims , giving me a hug.

"You think? "

"Yeah ! I don't even know how you come up with something as good as this in such a short time ."

"Actually,  I have a book of topics and sermons prewritten prepared for times like these . But that's our little secret. " I say with a wink as she laughs .

I've come to learn that being prepared is the best way to stay on top of everything. So , I try and stay prepared for anything and everything possible. Sermons , essays , short stories, spare clothes in my car's trunk , even pads and tampons - you never know when you or a sister would need one - Little things like this just helps me feel more prepared. And when I'm prepared,  I'm relaxed. And that's the best way to feel.

"So how's your Aunt Tanya?  Any better ? " 

" I don't know... I guess in a way she's getting better but at this point , it's kind of like a two steps forward and three steps backwards kind of thing. " I say as I slung my bag over my shoulder. 

"But it hasn't even been that long right?  A month?  "

"Yeah, around that time. But we're praying she'll get better soon. "

My Aunt Tanya has had an issue with her heart for a while now. They said they'll have to replace her faulty heart valve that's been giving her so much trouble , but at this point she's on the waiting list for surgery. Our theaters are over booked and our doctors over worked , so they had to start putting people on waiting lists or transferred to another hospital. We talked everything over with her doctor and they said her condition is bad but not that bad that she has to be transferred.  He says that she's still strong enough to be added to the waiting list. So , here we are. On the waiting list for almost a month.

"Well we're praying with you sis . " she says , taking my hands in hers.

"Thanks Sav ."

"Anything for you Maya . " she says giving me a hug as we walked to our cars.

She's truly the best friend I could've asked for . God has really blessed me with her friendship.

Well that's it for my prologue. Now you have a little bit of insight to the characters lives , how they opperate and the main things going in their lives. I hope you enjoyed. Until next time , much love my wolves ❤❤🐺

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