Chapter 34 Friday

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After a very exciting night we decided to head back home and just watch a movie. Little did we know my parents would be waiting up for us .

We've hardly stepped foot into the door when my mom approached us.

"So ? How was it ?" She said , bouncing in anticipation. It was like my mother knew. Even before we did.

"How did you know ?" I said , slipping out of my heels.

"Oh , call it mother's intuition. I'm so happy for you guys !" She said , enveloping us both in a hug unexpectedly while my dad walked closer.

"You're a great kid Logan. So I expect you to take good care of my daughter you hear ?"

"Uh yes sir. Of course sir." He said frazzled while I suppressed a giggle at how nervous he suddenly got.

"And don't be skipping out on church now that you're dating my daughter and all. I expect to see you at every service. The Lord's got big plans for you son. Don't get distracted now."

"Right sir. Thank you sir. " he said again while my mom excused themselves and went up to bed.

"Is my dad really THAT intimidating? " I said , folding my arms across my chest with a cheeky grin.

"A little." He admitted honestly,  still pretty rattled by my dad though I had no idea why he would be.

"Oh come on. " I said , while we both went to our rooms and got into more comfier clothes . When I got back downstairs , he was already down , dressed and had everything all set up.

"You like ?" He asked referring to the little blanket fort he set up where the couch used to be.

"My mom's going to kill us." I said with a laugh. 

"Really ? Cause I think that she'll think this is rather cute. Don't you ?"

"Yeah as long as we clean up after. " I said , sitting down on the pillow.

"Fine we will. No let's just enjoy the show. " He said before switching the TV on and sitting beside me. Yet when the clock started to tick towards 1am , I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. I let out a breathy yawn , covering it with my hand while Logan paused the movie and looked back at me.

"You tired? "

"No , let's watch the movie." I said trying to sound fine yet it was like my body was betraying me by letting out another yawn during saying that.

"Amaya , I can see you're tired.  "

"But I'm not. " I tried to convince him through yet another yawn. It was like my body was doing this on purpose.

"Look Maya , it was a fun night. We had the most perfect first kiss , we're now ... whatever it is that we are . And it's okay if you're tired. " He said sweetly, taking my hands in his.

"I know it's just... I wanted you to have a perfect ending to our day..."

"And having you here right beside me IS the perfect ending."

"You really mean that ?" I said looking up at his eyes.

"With all my heart. Now go to bed princess. " he said , giving me a kiss on my forehead -while I leaned into his touch- before heading upstairs to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I was surprised to have seen I slept in until 8am. Which doesn't sound like late to most people but to me - a 5 am'er -  it was pretty late.

I got up, showered and dressed before heading downstairs seeing my dad and Logan conversing over breakfast, each with a piece of toast in hand.

"Morning. " I said with a smile , going over to the cabinet and pouring myself some Granola.

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