Chapter 19 Private things

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It's only been a week since Logan and I prayed together for Melody's recovery and it's safe to say; that you could already see the improvement . Not only did this situation started to heal Melody but it started to heal the emotional scars Logan have been carrying around for all these years. It's like him seeing his mom get better after our prayers have brought him to the realization that he really can't live without God. Like a small part of him is starting to believe again.

Okay so he's still kind of a jerk when he's at school and uses words that'll scar your grandma,  but baby steps. He's only like that when he's around school and I think he's starting to realize that he can't be 50 - 50 on this. He needs to be all in. But I don't want to force everything on him at once and scare him , so I'm just softly nudging him in the right direction and letting him make his own way there . And so far , it's worked.

"You know , if you can be nice to me you can be nice to everyone else ?"

"No way ! They'll think I'm weak ! Gone soft or something. Do you know what the guys will say?" I shook my head no "they'll say I'm incapable of leading us. That I'm vulnerable and too weak to lead. They'll kick me out , literally. I'll have no where to go when my mom's not home. No place to crash and hangout. I'll basically be disowned by them. "

"And I get that . But,if you ARE choosing to live your life for the Lord now , you can't keep yourself busy with worldly things. "

"You already know that I have absolutely no clue what you're saying. " he says , making me smile at how honest he's being.

"What I mean is , you can't be 50-50 with the Lord. The Word tells us that you have to either be ice cold or buring hot for God. But if you're lukewarm he'll spit you out. Meaning , you're either all in or all out. There's no compromise or staying on the fence. So if you choose to start living your life for God , you'll have to let go of all of that and trust in Him. "

"But I can't..." he said,  barely above a whisper sounding so broken and defeated .

"Look, I know it's hard for you to be at your house when your mom's not there , I get it. So giving up your friends means you lose a lot more than some friendships. But if it helps at all , when you don't feel like you have a home to go back to , you can come here. We have a spare bedroom and I'm sure my folks won't mind if you crashed here while your mom's recovering ." I said with a smile,  seeing relief and gratitude take over his features.

"Thanks. That ... means a lot to me. You have no idea. "

"No problem."

And so after our conversation on Wednesday , the next day all hell broke lose at school. His friends all ganged up against him and beat him purple and blue while he did absolutely nothing to defend himself. He simply just let it happen. He told me that this would happen if he tried to pull out of their group - they were bonded and swore together by some code or something that meant death if you pulled out but him being the learder meant only pain and suffering I guess. It was his rules after all - so he told me not to intervene , that this was their way of letting him out . That he had to indure the pain that he was causing.

It's a messed up system but I guess that's how 'gang related ' groups worked nowadays so I didn't question it.

Seeing them throw him across the floor , his already bruised body making contact with a locker and blood trickle down the side of his head,  brought a pang to my chest.  I was the one who told him he had to do this. To drop his toxic friends. But he was the one who chose not to fight back. I watched as all 6 of them dragged him to the middle of the hall and circled him , each throwing a punch or a kick to his limp body. He was outcold now forsure.

Seeing him not moving - probably thinking they've managed to kill him - they walked away. Just like that. As if nothing happend.

That's when I rushed over to his purple and blue bruised body seeing the amount of blood upclose . There was no way one could lose this much blood and make it . Not even to mention the pool of blood next to his head. I said a silent prayer before picking him up and taking him to the emergency room.

Luckily for him , he just had a concussion , a few stitches and no brain damage. He did however have a few broken ribs, busted lip and brow with a black eye. But he lived and that's all that mattered. The hospital didn't ask a lot of questions - to which I was grateful for - after we told them it was a school fight. So we could leave as soon as they were done stitching him up.

"I really never meant for any of this to happen." I said guilty,  while driving him to my house.

"It's fine. I knew this would happen but like you said,  I can't be 50-50 when it comes to God.  So it's worth the pain and suffering now if I get eternal life with Him. " What he said made my heart warm by how sincere and serious he was starting to take this. He was finally starting to get it.

Helping him to the couch, I poured us both some juice before joining him in the living room.

"I talked to my parents and explained everything to them. They said you're more than welcome to stay as long as you need."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"So , if you want I can go and get some of your things from your house ?"

"Um ... yeah sure . Thanks. " he said,  giving me the address.  I was a little on the fence whether or not I should be leaving him at my house alone , but I trusted him enough so it won't be so much of a problem.  I hope. The drive to his house wasn't as far as I thought it would be, only a 20 minute drive . Pulling up to his driveway , I quickly unlocked the front door and searched for what would be his room.

Walking through the house , made me feel so sad . You could see that this was a house without a mom. Without a soul. Dishes were piled up from when Logan ate something and clothing was scattered all across the house. Definitely a house with a teenage boy. Walking up the steps I see the walls lined up with pictures of Logan when he was little and smiling photos of Melody with him. She looked so happy. So full of life. And so did he. I wondered if he started to turn to those guys when his mom got sick that, that was what put him on the wrong path ...

Brushing that thought away because that wasn't why I was here - he was on the right path now and his mom was getting better - I opened the first door I saw. And surely enough it was his room there was no doubt about it. Unmade bed , laundry lying everywhere , candy wrappers , empty chips packets and MORE dishes ! For someone who didn't spend a lot of time at home , he sure knew how to make a mess when he WAS here.

I grabbed a bag from his chair , making my way to his closet -where hopefully there will be ONLY clean clothes,  though I didn't bet on it. This was Logan we're talking about ; I then put some T-shirts , joggers,  jeans , hoodies  and even a few basketball shorts. Why he had it - because I've never seen him wear one - was beyond me but I took it nonetheless. That's when I made my way to his drawer next.


It goes against everything I ever thought I would be doing in my life. But I couldn't let him go without underwear either. So I pinched my eyes shut and threw a few pairs into the bag - hoping it was clean 'cause I was too embarrassed to look myself - That's some private things you know .

After that embarrassing experience,  I made my way downstairs with red cheeks and all making my back home.

What did you think !? When I started this one I was like ' this is going to be boring ' but then I got inspired and I kind of like how it turned out 😶 but that's just my opinion. Let me know yours down below 👇👇👇 thank you so much for reading.  Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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