Chapter 14 Drift

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And just like I predicted, it all turned into a perfect mess from there on out .

Shawn was who knows where doing who knows what , Aiden was getting really busy at work so we couldn't spend as much time together , and Logan's been a complete pain in the butt to top it all off.

I'm a mess.

I'm not only frustrated, bored and upset , I was also confused , lonely and disorientated.

I had no idea what road I was heading down in my life any more. Spiritually I've been doing fine , but mentally; everyday was a battle. A battle I was slowly beginning to lose ...

"Amaya ? Sweetie ? Are you up there ?" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be right down mom !" I said, slipping on my boots and jogging downstairs.

"Good , you're ready. I'm heading to work now , they called and asked if I could fill in for someone.  So I haven't made dinner yet. Would you be up for making dinner for you and dad please ?" 

"Sure . What did you have in mind ?"

"Nothing yet...but here's a list of things we need  from the store anyway. Maybe you'll think of something there. I'm so sorry but I really need to go. Love you sweetie , bye !"  Mom said,  rushing out the door at an unbelievable speed while I just stood there gaping at her .

Well , atleast I now had something to keep my mind busy ...

Walking through the isles I was soon met with a hard chest.

Great. Just what I needed.

"Hey watch where you're - oh . It's you."

"Nice to see you too Logan." I said , giving him the best smile I could muster.

So much for keeping my mind busy ...

"Now what do you want ?" He said annoyed as if I was following him or something .

"Well ,not that it's any of your business but I was actually doing grocery shopping for my mom. "

"Must be nice . Having your mom at home the whole time ..." he trailed off as I almost thought for a second that he softened .

It was like I broke down a wall single handed by the mention of my mom.

Like he ... retreated back into his shell , like a helpless little puppy.

It was actully kind of weird seeing him like this .

"Logan are you -"

"What?  Nothing . You're... You're weird,Okay . Bye." He said, walking off in a hurry.

That was the strangest  conversation I've had with Logan yet.

But maybe Melody being sick has been effecting him more than he lets on .

He seems to really miss his mom...

Hard to believe,  I know.

But even 'Bad boy's ' have a heart too I guess...

Brushing off that awkward moment , I turned my attention back to the bread, getting us a loaf before heading to check out.

The whole way home I couldn't help but think about how weird Logan acted when I mentioned my mom. 

So I did the only thing I could still do well . Pray.

"Lord , please be with Logan through this time of uncertainty and hurt. I know we're not on the best terms but that doesn't mean I dislike him. I want him to be happy too and have his mom with him . I want Melody to be well again and be able to spend time with her son. I know it's hard and probably a lot to ask but if I can ask anyone , it's you. Please work in his heart to know that he's not alone , that he is loved and that there are people who care about him. All of this I ask in your name , Amen." I prayed .

I didn't really have the words to say or know how to pray for him even though it always came naturally to me. But this time ... it being such a sensitive topic I just couldn't find the words. But I know that God knows my heart and sees what I'm trying to do and will help Logan with whatever he's dealing with.

Putting the pasta on the stove, I'm interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call.

Wiping my hands on the apron , I run to pick it up , seeing Aiden's face light up on the screen.

"Hey!" I said enthusiastically,  placing the phone on the shelf while I continue making the sauce.

"Hey back . Whatcha making ?"  He asked , trying to see what I was doing while I shifted my phone so he could see a little better.

"Making dinner. How was your day? "

"If I told you,  you wouldn't believe me ." He said with a chuckle while I raised my brow at him.

"Try me." I said. To which he continued to tell me all about the stressful day he had , with multiple casualties,  some weird anaesthesia patients and some slip ups the nurses had.

It was great hearing his voice again , even if it's just him telling me about work stuff - that I didn't even understand half of the time - but it's good that he can share stuff with me and know that I care. You know ?

After an hour of us talking - and me finishing dinner - he had to get home. So being the responsible driver that he is , he said good night as I did the same, making my way to the living room and waiting for my dad to get home from work.

"Hi sweetheart." Dad said , suddenly appearing in the door way.

"Hi dad." I said , walking over to him and taking his jacket. 

"Mom not here yet ?"

"Nope. She had to go fill in for someone so it's just us two tonight." I said with a smile , walking back to the kitchen to dish up supper.

"Great! Some father, daughter time. You wanna watch Fast& Furious with me ?" Dad said hopefully.

"Do I !? Of course!" I said , grabbing our plates and heading to the living room.

It's times like these - when mom's working late - that dad and I tend to...stray from the rules a little and eat in front of the tv. But it hardly ever happens so I guess it's not that bad.

Finishing our dinner , I said my goodnight and made my way upstairs. It's been a long and boring day but an eventful day nonetheless.

I just really hope Logan was okay...

I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift back to him ...

I know , I know , I know. It could be SO much better ! Believe me I know. I've had a little writers block with this one for a while now since I started writing two new stories - coming very soon 😏- so it's been a little hard to prioritize. But I promise that this is my first priority ALWAYS. This is my little new years baby,  I'm net letting go of this one don't worry❤ you know the drill , thoughts and comments down below. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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