Chapter 33 Picture Perfect

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It's been curlers and blow driers since 8 am this morning . The Salon workers slaving away at a bunch of giddy teenage girls , getting them picture perfect for senior Prom.

Ever since I was a little girl , Prom would always be the talk of the town and how excited everyone would be . I remember my parents and I would go early on Prom night and get a good parking space near Town Hall to see all the beautiful cars and girls in dresses go by . It was like a fairytale at that time , yet I still didn't quite understand what all the fuss was all about. But now , being exactly 'the fuss' I can completely understand. It's not only a fun night with all your friends,  it's also like ... a send off. Like getting together for the last time with the people you've known all your life before entering the adult world. I couldn't quite imagine myself NOT being here tonight.

"You look BEAUTIFUL Amaya ." My mom said , tying my strap at the back. "He's gonna love this!"

"Mom , we're JUST going as friends. Remember? " I said , turning around.

"Uh... right." She said with a smile before excusing herself out. I took a last look at myself in the mirror-  reminding myself that I could do this - before heading downstairs and seeing Logan already waiting at the bottom , looking sharp in his suit.

As I cascaded down the stairs it's like time stood still and all I could think about was this moment here. It was like a bride entering the wedding , all eyes were on her yet she didn't care because she was as happy as could be at that moment in time.

"Wow!" He breathed out, holding his hand out to me. "You look ... really beautiful Amaya."

"Well thank you. " I said with a slight blush " and you look very handsome in the suit I picked out for you ."

"Thanks " He said , tugging on his tie. One could see he felt a little awkward in it , not being used to dressing up and all. " Should we get going ?"

"Sure." I said,  following him outside. "My dad let you borrow the Mustang? " I said surprised, turning around .

"Well let's just say , I'll be cleaning the yard for a while . " He said nervously scratching the back of his neck with a smile.

"Well , it's so worth it. Thank you." I said kindly while he opened my door for me like the gentleman he's now trying to be.

The ride was pretty silient for the most part but not in an awkward kind of way , but more like a ... comfortable way. When we arrived together I already expected all eyes to be on us. And not like we're carpooling but in the sense that we were arriving as a 'couple ' in the eyes of everyone else. So after we made our way through the staring crowd of Sophomores and Juniors,  we got our pictures taken and met up with everyone else inside.

"What happend to going solo ?" Sav said,  asking the burning question on EVERYONE'S minds first.

"Well , he asked me to go as friends and I said yes. There's no harm in that. " I shrugged it off as she just gave me a once over in disbelief .

"We'll see about that ." She said  before running back to her date Chad Lively , the team's quarterback and our church's lead guitarist. 

"Everything okay ?"

"Yup. Just fine." I said with a smile right before Mr Fitzgerald announced the dance floor was opening as I dragged Logan along with me. It started as us just bopping our heads to the beat until it turned into an awkward slow dance that we were already in too deep with the crowd to back out of. So he pulled me close , wrapped his arms around my waist while I put mine around his neck and awkwardly started swaying to the music.

We didn't say a word or even dared to make eye contact right through the first song, not knowing how to act or what to expect. Down right to the middle of the second song when I decided to speak up and ease the tension.

"This is kind of awkward,  isn't it ?" I said while he looked down at me with his big brown eyes.

"It doesn't have to be." He said and it was at that precise moment, that I realized that I could NEVER , in a million years,  JUST be friends with Logan.

After I broke up with Aiden I know I've said I wasn't ready to date again nevermind Logan. But over these last couple of weeks , I've seen a better side of him. A more mature and dare I say , godlier side of him. Of course he's not the God fearing man I was expecting yet but we've all got our time and in a few years he might just be that for me. I've seen him grow so much not only spiritually and with his walk with the Lord , but also as a person and I'm very proud of the person he has become.

So when he looked down at me with those big brown doe eyes , I knew I couldn't resist my feelings for him anymore. That's why I leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips , hearing the crowd around us all echoing 'ooooo' like immature  grade schoolers . Though all that my mind was processing was the touch of his lips on mine for the second time. How his arms wrapped around my waist tighter and how he was shocked at first but soon got into it more. How soft and smooth his lips was and how it tasted like the honey chapstick my mom got him. It was short , quick and a well lived kiss but in my head it felt like an eternity. I couldn't quite explain it , but when we pulled back I knew this was right. It felt more right than Aiden ever did - as bad as that sounds- it was like my heart knew it the moment I prayed for the bad boy.

"So does this mean -"

"Yes Logan,  I like you too." I said with a smile while everyone around us started to cheer and clap their hands. It was weird having all of this attention on us but holding Logan's hand made me feel as if I could take on the world.

He might not be where God wants him yet, but are any of us ? I believe in him and I believe that in time , he will make a down right swell godly man .

And I think I'm ending it here. Don't want to OVER explain. So they're together now. Finally! Who was rooting for them the whole time ? 🖐 Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺 and of course , that's them above 😏

The Bad boy's Prayer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant