Chapter 20 Room

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I unlocked my front door,  seeing Logan at the exact same spot watching TV. I internally sighed a sigh of relief that he was still exactly like I left him , but smiled a smile of joy that I now knew I could trust him.

"I didn't know what to take so I took a few of everything. " I said embarrassed,  giving him the bag while he looked through it.

"Basketball shorts ? Really? " He said amused looking at me questionably.

"Like I said; I didn't know what you wore so I brought a few of each. " 

"And basketball shorts are something you think I would wear ?" He said raising his eyebrow but still displaying a cheeky grin at how embarrassed I was that I had to go through his things in order to get these. To him it wasn't a big deal but to me it was equivalent to a guy rummaging through a girls bra drawer. It's embarrassing and feels wrong.

"Might have been poor judgement on my side but it's a decision I chose to make." I said,  trying to stand strong by the decisions I had to make today.

"Okay then." He said , digging further into the bag "and you were in my underwear drawer? " that made my cheeks heat up even redder than they already were. I feel like he's doing this on purpose. Pestering me , knowing full well that I would get embarrassed .

"I... I a ... well you see um -" That's when he starting bursting out in laughter. 

"Your face ! You should've seen it !" He continued to laugh a hardy laugh "ow ! Ow stop it ! My ribs ! "

"I'm not doing anything. " I said innocently , still not knowing how I feel about just being played. But atleast he was laughing. And I've never seen him laugh before so it had to be good for him.

"That face , that face you're making it's... It's so funny ! Stop it Amaya my ribs !" He said trying to catch his breath .

"Well then that serves you right for making fun of me." I said , fake huffing at him and walking back to the kitchen.

"No ! Come back I'm sorry! Amaya you know I can't run after you don't be like that." He called behind me as I continued to pretend to ignore him. "Amaya I'm hungry don't walk away please " he continued to plead while I made his sandwich anyway. He's still a guest here despite the teasing and the taunting.

"Yes ! Sanwhich!" He said fist pumping the air while I made my way to him with the plate.

" you can only get this if you say you're sorry." I said teasingly this time. It was my time to have some fun.

"Seriously? " he said while I pulled the plate away showing I meant business. "Fine! Fine !Fine! I'm sorry ." He said as it was my turn to raise my brow at him urging him to add on to his apology . "And ... I mean it ?" He questioned more to himself not knowing what I wanted him to say.

"Good enough for now." I said , handing him the plate to which he took gratefully and hungrily.

"Thank you" he said politely, engulfing that sandwich as if it were the last bit of air left on earth.

"You want another one ?" I asked watching him give me the pleading puppy dog eyes . "Coming right up "

"Thank you!" He yelled from the living room as I continued my way towards the kitchen.

The rest of the afternoon he spent either napping on the couch or watching Netflix , while I kept busy around the house cleaning and preparing dinner for when my parents got home. And at exactly 18:30 the jingle of keys were heard as they both entered through the front door.

"Hi mom ." I said,  taking her bag  and hugging her before doing the same with my dad.

"Hi sweetheart. " mom said with a smile "mmm dinner smells lovely " she said proud while my dad agreed with her .

"Thanks " I said proudly that my first attempt at pulled pork roast atleast smelled delicious . Now if I cooked it the right way , I could only pray that I did.

Upon hearing my parents' voices, Logan stood up from the couch with a painful groan while he made his way towards them , sticking his hand out to my dad.

"You must be Logan" my dad said with a smile , shaking Logan's hand .

"I am . Nice to meet you sir. " he said politely to which I was both surprised and proud that he could be this courteous.  But then again , he was raised by a lovely and kind woman so I didn't find it too absurd .

He then turned towards my mother doing the same. " Hi Logan " my mom said kindly,  shaking his hand as well. "Thank you so much for opening your home to me Mrs Parker . You don't know how much this means to me . I promise as soon as I'm all better I'll be out of your hair. " He said,  getting a laugh from my mother in return.

"What nonsense ! Stay as long as you need to. It's the least we could do for Melody. No need to rush. " She said with the biggest smile as he thanked her kindly for the offer , though only I knew how much this really meant to him. After all the introductions were made , we all sat down at the dining room waiting to dig into my Pork roast as I just said silent prayers while dishing up for each one .

"The food looks delicious honey." Dad said as I handed him his plate.

"Thanks. I just hope it tastes good too." I said slightly embarrassed.

"Now then let's say Grace and have a taste " mom said eager as we all took hands.

I nervously watched everyone take a bite , I could practically  feel the sweat droplets forming on my brow while I waited for a response in anticipation. 

"Honey stop stressing . It's very good !" Mom praised me as Dad and Logan agreed with her. I sighed a sigh of relief that it wasn't a total disaster and actually edible.

"Yeah , best Pork Roast I've had in my life !" Logan said , indulging every bite.

Relieved that dinner was a success , I enjoyed the conversations around the table until it was time for bed. 

"Amaya sweetie,  why don't you take Logan with you and show him to his room while you're at it. " mom said , starting to clear the table.

"Sure. Night mom , dad." I said , giving them each a kiss on the cheek and walking to the stairs.

"Goodnight Mr and Mrs Parker , thank you so much once again. " Logan said before following me up the steps.

"This is my room and yours just down the hall , two doors down. " I pointed while opening the door. "There's an ensuite bathroom and some fresh towls on the bed." I said from the doorway while he walked in and made himself comfortable.

"Thank you Amaya."

"No problem. Goodnight Logan."

"Goodnight Amaya." He said before I closed the door and made my way back to my room.

Hey guys ! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter:) I've had so much fun writing again since I got my inspiration back . Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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